A Desolate Life: Part 11

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(oh wow, new chapter... after like a month of me sitting on my ass thinking about nothing)

After their little debacle regarding some tasteful fanart, the two bots continued on with their search of the residential tower. They hadn't found much to excite them on the first few floors above, however things appeared to be more promising as they ascended to the richer apartments. Once again AUTO and 4 braved the stairs, 4 travelling up the incline by himself this time. They reached the next floor and instantly knew the value of said apartments had increased. By evaluating the marbled floor and sliver trims of the apartment entryways, AUTO concluded that this would be equivalent to business class cabins. Therefore they must contain some better resources for them to pillage. AUTO floated on forward and gently tried the door, it was locked. Perhaps the remaining human scavengers hadn't made it up this far, which was a very promising speculation.


He turned to the eager GO-4 beside him.

"I am not fond of using my blaster's clip to open the door..."

AUTO turned back to the door handle.


A sleek sound of something opening cut him off, but before he could turn to enquire further about the noise, a shot ran out between the two bots. AUTO instantly jumped back, throwing his hovering hands into the air and covering his face. Pieces of metal hit the floor in a trickling manner - yet they weren't from him.

AUTO removed his hands from his face and stared through the small cloud of debris at his loyal companion. There 4 hovered contently, his little nubby hand grasping a small handheld gun. Upon quick and closer inspection AUTO determined that it was a M1911. He lowered his arms to his side in a disgruntled manner, then looked over at the now broken door lock. Before reaching to open it further, he gave a dishevelled look down at 4.

'What? It's not like we'll be arrested for possessing a firearm sir'

"... Where?"

4 tilted himself inquisitively, then bounced up when he realised what he'd been asked. He casually titled the gun limply to the side.

'I found this on one of the lower levels, it might be useful...'

AUTO snatched the gun out of 4s little nub, then inspected it further as he opened the apartment door. He wondered where and how it's original owner even got a hold of such an antique weapon - let alone how it worked after all these years. He promptly opened the magazine; it still had a hefty load out within. AUTO paused then returned the gun to 4.

"Keep it... Use it only if necessary..."

As they hovered into the minimalistic and untouched apartment, the view outside the window was foggier at higher levels.

"We cannot alert the others to our presence"

4 took the gun happily, shoving it back inside his torso cavity alongside whatever else he'd stuck in there. AUTO tried to sneak a peek, but 4 wisely turned around to deposit the gun away from AUTOs sight. The larger bot sunk his shoulders in slight disappointment then continued on with their search.

The two drifted to and from rooms and found a metal pole of such to open the other apartments from here on out. AUTO dreaded the thought of the humans hearing them. At least they had 2 notable weapons between them, something that challenged the capabilities of the measly human flesh. Nonetheless they'd entered another snazzy apartment, which seemed to lack personality in comparison to the apartments on the lower floors. It was a shame, AUTO knew that the ship was designed to be efficient and clean, but thought they'd at least allow some personalisation of the cabins. He wasn't here or there on the thought back then, but now, he wished they had more. Too much expression could lead to alienation, too little expression in the wrong moment and you'll be deactivated.

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