A Desolate Life: Part 12

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After a night of tension, the two rose to the morning air rather refreshed. And like any other morning they started their days off clearing the dust from the solar panels above. AUTO opened the van door slightly, making sure no one and no dusts storm was imminent. The coast was clear and 4 darted out with a rag, ready to polish the panels. It was their now daily ritual, whatever happened in between when they left the van and returned didn't matter. But AUTO liked the order they had in place when they were here. It was efficient, proper, and maintained - everything he wanted on board the ship.

As 4 climbed the vans and dusted off the panels they'd hidden in between the hoods of the vehicles, AUTO watched on carefully.

"Would you like to visit any unfamiliar places today? Or am I too estranged from society for that"

4 bobbed his body up over a hood and stared his little optic blankly at AUTO.

'Sir, what is that supposed to mean?'

"You referred to me in an unpleasant manner last night... Why?"

A sigh escaped the small bot.

'I'm sorry... You really are a dork...'

AUTO decided he'd had enough of 4s cryptid nonsense and hovered off into the open area between the van and the rusted chain fence of the abandoned car lot. It wasn't long until his little friend joined him again.

'What are you thinking about sir?'

"How to comprehend your nonsense"

'Oh... Good luck with that~'

AUTO turned and picked 4 up by the mid chassis, under his nubs, and threw him over to his left forcefully out of spite. He turned and stared at the city before them. AUTO gave a glance over to his side, 4 had already hovered back over and now sat their looking up at him. AUTO was too old and weary for this shit.


AUTO pointed in the southwest direction of the city with a strained hand.

"There is a large commercial complex on the other side of the ship, we must investigate"

4 jumped into the air excitedly.

'Yes! Somewhere new!'

After a few hours travelling through the shadows and making sure they weren't caught. They revelled in the idea that the humans had already been wiped out, the robot's however were still an issue. Yet they had armed themselves rather nicely, AUTO with his shiny new blaster and 4 with his rambunctious M1911. Together they were a force to recon with - for now, like old times.

As they made their way to their destination, 4 got bored and promptly brought out his gun. He made sure it wouldn't fire accidentally, but still fondled it around rather casually.

'Remember the time there was a riot?'

"Which time, it occurred multiple times..."

GO-4 waved the gun around in the air, AUTO realised he was referring to the time that someone had snuck an equally antique pistol through the Axioms customs. The guy was young but created a craze amongst the passengers who fled from one place on the ship to the other upon hearing there *possibly* was an armed person in the ship - however he was detained before reaching the main passenger population.

"Yes, I remember... I don't want to go through that again"

However that was only the first of many riots on the Axiom, though after 200 years or so, they mostly died out. The biggest one to date was when it was announced that they were in fact not going back to earth. Captain Reardon got the brunt of the blame, then Reardon took that blame and personally put it onto AUTO. It wasn't as if his kind had polluted the planet to uninhabitable levels...

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