A Desolate Life: Part 6

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(Oh mf we cooking now, cooking up feelings)

The unforgiving sun shone through layers of filth, it burned, even without clear skies. No man would survive in the peak of summer, as it were now. No plant either.

The two outcasted bots had been settled van nomads for quite some time now, decorating the 2 vans with more secure window coverings, hidden solar panels and furniture from all over. The 2nd van was their living space. Above the folded down seats they'd placed bundles of the cleanest pillows they could find and turned the whole front of that van into a bed area. Sure, they were unneeded and had no purpose in life, but now they could enjoy the luxuries of an apocalyptic world that they never had. They kept their stash of batteries under the passenger seat and had connected up to the panels and onto themselves when the slept. Every morning they would go out and dust the panels off quickly and then hurry back inside. The Rest of the van had a desk of sorts that travelled around the far side and rear doors, they'd insulated the whole thing with the few good wood boards and metal sheets they could find. On the desk sat a single holo-display they had stolen from the ship, it was deactivated but attached to a larger batter below the desk. There was a box in front of it for 4 to use as a stool. Meanwhile the 1st van had every tech and essential item they could find, although their stockpile was becoming too crowded for the two vans, they'd need to expand soon to the 3rd row back.

AUTO lay on the bed, his body flat against the sheeted mattress of pillows, he faced the wall to the right of him. Depressed, worn out, only living for 4. He let out a noise of shrill discontent. It was a droning one, a new custom he'd use instead of giving a report on his mood. 4 had recognised it as a noise of interest, and so he activated from the opposite side of the mattress, hovering close to his superior.

'Yes Sir?...'

AUTO batted 4 away to go back to sleep, he was just having one of those moments again. There was no point in doing anything, they hadn't found a single bot who was looking for them or had strayed away from the humans. He grouchily turned his head to face the other wall.

'Is there something you'd like to do sir?'

"...I am nothing anymore..."

4 came to a hover, he'd became really good at making AUTO seem slightly happier when he was very clearly depressed.

'You are my superior, and I will be your direct line of support'

So optimistic and willing to please, if there was a light in his life, it had to be 4. AUTO hoped he knew that.

"...I have nothing to support you with"

'I will be your right hand then, as always, without the ship...'

"GO-4, without any duties... that would only make you my friend... We have no duties..."

4 hovered low, usually that was enough to get AUTO to perk up a little.

'Then I will be your friend Sir!'

Friends, that was a human experience. They weren't human. AUTO let his disappointment be known through bitter words. They didn't come out quite as anticipated.

"4... we are not friends...we are more than... friends"

4 pulled back with surprise, the larger bot laid depressed on his side. What was there to live for aside from 4? No other bot seemed to have stayed behind to locate either of them. He felt, for the most part, worthless. But 4 was always there, always, now and then and probably in the future too. He knew losing him would be the end of it, and without AUTO what would 4 do?

'I will be your partner out with work if that's what you're implying- if friend isn't a suitable term'


AUTO didn't know if 4 understood what he was implying but didn't question it. He stayed rigidly still; he wasn't actually doing this was he? Ah what the hell, he had no other reason to live other than 4, of course he loved him. It was love right? AUTO hadn't allowed himself to consider that applicable to him since his service started. Meanwhile 4 bobbed onto the bed, tapping AUTO on the shoulder.

'...Can I still call you Sir?'

"Yes, I still find that appealing"

4 bobbed higher and accidentally smacked AUTOs arm with his own. He cowered back in slight fear.

'Sorry Sir, too excited'

AUTO swiftly grabbed the small body and yanked 4 over to the left of him, he was now looking down at him. 4 was in a tight cuddle, a little shaky, a little awkward.

"...no one can hurt us, there are no regulations..."

He held him close, 4 stopped shaking and nuzzled his full body into AUTO. He pet his light lovingly.

"I can rely on you... I...."

His processing still contained his critical judgement, and it furiously disagreed with his thoughts.

'Sir, I know'

AUTO just nodded, even if 4 didn't know exactly what he wanted to say. However the smaller bot continued.

'You invited me into the deck at night when I had nothing to do, just to see me'

"Is this feeling mutual?"

'Yes Sir!'

That was enough for AUTO, and he went back to charging, 4 shut down to save energy. As AUTO detected 4's full shut down he woke himself back up, just to connect a spare wire between him and 4 since he'd disconnected after AUTO yanked him to his side of the bed. He would cherish 4, they deserved this.

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