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Mention of physical and verbal abuse

It was early in the morning when Y/n slowly walked along with Kai, into the expensive hotel her dad was staying at. She tried to walk as slow as possible to enjoy these last moments of freedom she had left, however the only problem was that she couldn't enjoy them. She felt like going in prison even if she wasn't guilty.


"How could you do that?" her dad yelled and everyone in the hotel could hear him.
"Father, don't yell at her like that." Kai tried to stand up for his younger sister.
"I don't want to hear a word from you." the old man pointed at Kai before quickly turning back to face Y/n. "How could you do that? How could you run away. Do you not understand what you did?" her father constantly yelled at her and she could only look down, to scared to actually make an eye contact.
"Father, I-" she wasn't even able to talk as he would always cut her sentence short.
"I don't even want to hear you." he continued yelling at her.
"You've asked, you should let me talk." she quietly said but it was loud enough for both her father and brother her her.
"Excuse me?" Kai eyes widen in fear when he saw the expression of his father, he knew that expression too well, he always made that face when he would beat him as a child.
"I said," she got the confidence to look up to him. "that you've asked me a question and i wanted to answer but you clearly don't let me." she said looking straight in his eyes, regreting the decision of speaking up.

There was a moment of silence, both siblings wanting for a response from their father and quickly felt it on her on skin on how is to be slapped by your own father. She was never slapped by him or anyone in her live just sometimes by Kazuki, but he was just playing around and didn't actually hit her.

"Y/n!" Kai quickly said getting closer to his sister, trying to comfort her as her cheek was already red. "Father, how could you do that? She's your daughter." he hugged his younger sister tight as he wasn't planning to let go of her.
"She needs education. She will soon turn on what her mother was and on what every woman is. A whore." she couldn't help but cry on Kai's shoulder at his harsh words on her.

Fuck this life.

"Whore or not she's your daughter." Kai continued taking her side.

Kai, please stop.

"That's why she will marry that male i choosed for her today." her eyes widen and looked at her father between tears, she couldn't believe how wrong she was.


"Hello. Could I please talk with the boss?" Kazuki asked the receptionist.
"Hello. I'm sorry to inform you but the bosses schedule is pretty full now." she said.
"Ah, such a pity. But can't you just check, please? I'm sure a pretty girl like you will be a able to give me a little time to speak with the boss." Kazuki put on a wide smile getting the woman to start looking up everywhere just to squeeze some time for him.
"I'm sorry but I'm not able to find anything." she said after a few minutes.
"Are you sure? Can't you call him? It's pretty urgent. By looking at you I'm sure you will be able to do that for me, please?" he put on the best set of puppy eyes he had and worked as she quickly took a phone and called someone.
"Hello?" she waited for a answer. "Kakucho-san, hello! Is there by any chance the boss beside you right now?" Kauzki gave her a big smile. "He is? Could you please tell him that there is a man that wants to urgently talk to him?" she asked as she returned the smile once she Kazuki giving her thumbs up. "A name? Whats your name?" she quickly asked Kazuki.
"Kazuki L/n."
"Kazuki L/n." she quickly said. "Okay, thank you." she smiled and put the phone down. "You are lucky, the boss can see you right now. Get this pass and take the elevator to the 10th floor." she gave him a piece of paper that attested that he was allowed inside.
"Thank you beautiful." he winked at her before leaving.

One thing about Kazuki is that, he was always and he will always be a flirt and girl will fall for that no matter what. Because for some particular reason girl's find him really attractive and he doesn't even need to be good at flirting to get whatever he wants, his face just does it all.

𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 [𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚]Where stories live. Discover now