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Surprisingly, as she heard his voice, she quickly turned around, even if the dress stopped most of her moves she somehow managed to move so fast and to look at him.


"Could you leave us alone?" Y/n asked the two stylists.
"But miss, i still have to work on your hair."
"And i also have to touch-up your makeup." both of them complained.
"Ladies, ladies. Let's not be harsh on the bride. As the brothers bride, i also think i have to get my hair done and i also think my skin is at the worst right now. I'd need some skincare advice." Kazuki pulled the two stylists with him outside the room and winked at his older sister.
"Izana, I didn't expect you'd come here." she shyly said after some time.
"I didn't either. I guess, Kazuki planned it all." he said with a small smile on his face. "Why you didn't told me about this?" he asked after some time.
"It's embarrassing, really. I don't this is what you expected when you looked at me. I'm sorry." she slowly said.
"Yeah, but i could have helped you way sonner." Izana simply said watching how the girls eyes sparkle.
"Really?" she said excited as he simply nodded. "Izana, thank you!" she said trying to walk to him to give him a hug but the dress once again limited her movement.

Seeing her dressed like that activated some kind of feeling inside Izana. He won't lie about the fact that she was stunning but he was really not familiar with this feeling. It felt warm and lovely but at the same time the thought of other man enjoying the same view he had, pissed him off. And he showly understood why, Kakucho's words played in his head. After all this time they made more sense and now he faced reality as much as he didn't believed it, Kakucho was right, he loved Y/n, he just didn't want to admit it or didn't realized as he never really knew how love feels like.

I should give Kakucho a promotion after this.

At the same time, he was confused. Was Y/n feeling the same? Looking from Y/n side, she liked Izana not loved him. She could learn to love him if they had more time together, she just developed a crush on him and if it goes in the right direction it might be more. They somehow shared the same feeling but both of them were too scared to admit that.

"Izana, I-" she was interrupted once again by multiple yelling outside.
"Come on, father!" y/n realized the voice as being Kai's.

What's going on?

"I'm not letting that good of nothing in room with, Y/n." her father yelled across the hallways.
"Kazuki, it's your son and her brother. He deserves to be here!" Kai continued.
"What's going on?" Izana asked confused.
"My father having a mental breakdown because Kazuki it's here. He sees Kazuki as the black sheep of the family." Y/n said annoyed and Izana nodded in agreement.
"Y/n, why did you came to Japan?" Izana asked the same question he asked some time ago.
"What I've told you before about missing Japan wasn't a lie, though it was the reason why i spontaneously came here. I came here to find a boyfriend, you can see it alike Tinder but in real life. I've been desperate about not wanting to marry that guy and looked for someone to fit the standards of my father and to also look credible." she explained to him ignoring the screams from the outside.
"Did you ... met with other guys?" Izana nervously asked.
"Only while I was in the USA and they were my brothers friends that were aware of fact that it would be just an act as it wasn't really much time for actual feelings to get involved. The idea of running away in Japan without anyone knowing allowed me more time to actually love or at least like someone in a more romantic way." Y/n explained and Izana felt relieved and ready to answer her.
"Where is that little shit?" her father entered the room along with Kai in the look of Kazuki, which God knows where he was at, but soon noticed Izana which left her father a little confused. "Who is he? What is he doing here?" her father suddenly turned to Y/n as he was about to hit her but quickly Kai grabbed their father by his hand to limit some of his movements and Izana soon appeared in front of Y/n.
"I believe I haven't introduced myself. I'm Izana Kurokawa, I own Tenjiku company if you know about it and I'm, as well, your daughters boyfriend."

Hi there guys
I'm late but happy new year :)
And I've also posted 2 xreaders one with Chifuyu (tokyo revengers) and one with Eren (attack on titan) so you can check them out if you are interested. <3

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