Chapter twenty: traitor

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Three days passed and the Akatsuki were back at the base. Their teamwork camp ruined by nosey ninja. As the walked Kisame looked around slowly noticing something was off.

"Guys, what happened to Suzume and Reika?" the shark-like man asked the others. They all looked up and shook their heads no. They slowly began to panic slightly. Meanwhile with the two missing members...

Suzume carried the tied up girl with a gag in her mouth. The child screamed slightly, showing her displeasure in what was now happening to her. Her heart felt shattered. Suzume was her friend, and here she was kidnapping her and betraying her family. Was this all planned out before hand? Was this all part of Suzume's master plan?

Tears swelled up as she thought about never seeing the Akatsuki again. No more pranking Deidara, or playing games with Tobi. She might never talk with Konan. The closest person she had for a mother. The purple haired girl slowly spat out the loosely tied gag and looked up at the traitor.

"Why, why did you betray us?!" Reika asked angry. Hurt filled her eyes as Suzume looked at her with an evil grin, one that made her shudder slightly. Was this the Suzume she had been with?

"Simple, with less Akatsuki, easier for a certain someone to continue without worry of a powerful threat. Three stupid Akatsuki fell for my memory manipulation, even your leader! Your all fools!"

"You never were my friend or Itachi's?" she asked angrily. Suzume glared at her, stopping on a branch. The teen grabbed the child by the throat, squeezing the life out of her. 

"Ninja don't make friends, only enemies. Learn that brat," Suzume spat. Her finger's released their grip around her neck, allowing the child to breath yet again. She hacked violently, her throat sore. Suzume grabbed Reika and slung her over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 

Reika felt weak and useless as her ex-friend carried her away from her life and family. A stone lodged itself in her throat as hot tears ran down her face. For once she felt weak and useless, she wasn't strong.  Her dark purple eyes closed, drifting of into darkness, waiting to be wrapped in warm dreams.

Reika's P.O.V

I was f*cking freezing when I next woke up. My skin felt like it was on fire, it was so damn cold. Groggily, I attempted to swipe a hand under my nose (cold made my nose... runny, really, really runny....) but I found that my hands wouldn't move. I blinked open my eyes only to see black.


I tried lifting my hands again and felt cold metal tug me to a standstill. Cuffs, maybe? The scratching of chains against more metal confirmed my suspicions. Well wasn't this just dandy? 

Suddenly, a dim light flickered on, bathing the room in a cold, deathly gray. I took the opportunity to look down at myself and had to suppress a grown. I was completely naked underneath a thin white sheet. I was going to be raped. Lovely.

What made things about a thousand flipping times worse was the voice that hissed through the still air:

"My, my, what a wonderfully delicious new specimen we've been given, hmm, Kabuto?"

I knew that voice. I only ever heard it once. He'd been away on a long mission, only arriving about a year or so after I'd been taken in by the Akatsuki. But he'd been absolutely fascinated by me the moment we met. Sasori and Pain hadn't liked his new interest in me, neither had Konan or even Hidan for that matter. Hidan told me he'd never liked the guy, thought he was a creepy-ass pedophile, and was only too happy when Pain kicked his ass out of the organization. 

And now he had me in his clutches, without the other Akatsuki members to stop him.

"She looks to be a suitable subject, Orochimaru-sama."

"I agree, Kabuto," the snake man himself hissed, coming closer to where I lay vulnerable on what I thought might be an operating table. He pale fingers brushed against my cheek and I twisted violently away. His hissing laughter filled my ears. "So lively," he commented, smiling at me cruelly. "We'll have to break that little spirit of yours, won't we, Reika-chan?"

"Bite me!" I hissed out as a reply.

Another smirk claimed his lips. "I assure you, Reika-chan.... I'll do much worse..."

I'm back guys! I'm sorry, please don't murder me! I'll have a new chapter next week, promise. Also I might have to get eye surgery... I hate getting eye surgery, I wanna have a summer not staying home. So how are you guys?!

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