Chapter twelve: break out the puppet

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I think I became a real member of the Akatsuki that night. It scarred me.

Hidan had taken us back to our hotel and the first thing I'd done was pull out one of my scrolls and poof up the sword I'd gotten from Kisame for my birthday. I'd kept it sharp and shiny, and it reflected my wicked grin perfectly.

I think I even beat out Hidan in terms of creepy smiles.

Oh wait. No one can do that.

Well then.

"Ready to go, bitches?" the Jashinist asked from the doorway. He'd dropped his jutsu and was now back in his nineteen-year-old glory. All shirtless and everything. His tri-bladed scythe sat comfortably against his shoulder, and he was giving me an eager, demonic grin.

Yup, no contest.

"You bet, asshole," I shot back as I slipped the katana into the sheath I'd strapped over one shoulder. It fell against my back and tapped against my ass, but it wasn't uncomfortable to walk with. I proved that by zipping out the door, leaving a seething Hidan in my wake.

He really didn't like being called asshole. Oh well~

Hidan caught me as I was running from the front door, dragging me to a skidding halt. He dropped his heavy hand onto my head, ruining my chance of making a stunning entrance by ruffling up my hair. "Listen, bitch," he said lowly as he bent down to my eye level. "We're not gonna just run in and f*ck the place up. First, I'm picking out my victim. Then we raise hell. Got it?"

I rolled my eyes and looked away haughtily. He muttered something intelligible before jerking my head back around. His magenta eyes burned into my own. "You want your precious Sasori back, don't you?"

I gulped. Sasori was easily my biggest weakness. "Yes," I squeaked.

"Then listen to me, and don't do stupid shit cause you feel like it. Now let's go."

He started off for the jail at a brisk walk and I struggled to keep up. Damn my genetics for cursing me with short, skinny legs!

We received several weird looks, which Hidan returned with a flashy smirk or a savage snarl, while I just smiled innocently, keeping up my "little girl" image as long as possible.

Suzume was no where to be seen, but Toro followed behind, easily keeping up with Hidan's long strides. Damn weasel had to rub it in to!

"Hey, Hidan," I called softly, now jogging just to remain at his side. "You think he's ok, right? Like, they haven't done anything to him?"

He shifted his eyes to the corners to look at me, keeping his head straight. He shrugged. "You want the truth or the sugar-coated shit Konan would want me to tell you?"

I gave him a look. I raised my eyebrow and everything! "What do you f*cking think?"

He mumbled something unintelligible, then shrugged again. "Konoha's got this one bastard.... Ibiki or something... I dunno, but he's supposed to be downright nasty when it comes to interrogations. But with Sasori.... that f*cker's pretty hard to crack. And physical stuff won't work on him. So.... how set are you on getting him back alive?"

I kicked his shin as hard as I could.

He didn't even stumble.

"You're f*cking weak you little f*cking bitch!" he laughed. Cackled. Whatever.

A scowl twisted my mouth. That was going a bit too far in my case.

I felt my chakra network surge to life, and I flowed a fair amount of it into my right fist, which I cocked back and then threw forwards. It connected with Hidan's back and he was sent flying into the nearest shopfront. Spots of color went up into the air; seemed Hidan had crushed a barrel of assorted fruits during impact.

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