Chapter: prologue

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(Seven Years Ago)

Third Person POV

It was raining heavily, as it always did in the Village Hidden in the Rain. The streets were deserted, and filthy, covered in the muck and grime that most Hidden Villages didn't experience.

A lone woman walked the streets, her black cloak swishing around her legs. She listened to the pounding of the rain, grimacing. The rain was unnatural, and she knew it. She understood its purpose, but didn't like it. Though, of course, she would never tell Leader that.

As she walked, she caught sight of faces, pushing aside curtains to catch a glimpse of her. They crowded windows, alight with curiosity. Many could guess the identity of the this woman, even if none knew her by her real name.

"Lady Angel" they called her. A name that suited her, to an extent. Visually, it was perfect. She was beautiful, and her special powers lent support to the idea that she truly was an angel. But she'd committed crimes no angel would even dream of.

She sighed, pondering her past crimes, knowing they were for the good of all. She'd caused pain and suffering, but was told it would lead to peace and tranquility. She believed this with all her heart, because it was the dream of her two best friends, one gone and only in her memories, the other determined and by her side always. It was not her dream, per say, but she was as ready to fulfill it as her two dear companions.

The woman was out in the Village only because her partner was away, and she was required to make her presence known to the people. Leader didn't want anyone thinking they could take over the Hidden Rain.

Suddenly, the woman stopped. Her attention had been grabbed by a small, pitiful sound. She stopped only because it reminded her of awful past memories. Her parents... screaming... Her own terrified wails... And her soft sobs as she came to grips with being an orphan.

She shook herself and braced herself to find the source of the crying. It led her into what she deemed a disgusting alley, piled high with thrown-out boxes and other trash. Out-grown garments littered the ground, along with the bodies of sickened rodents. The woman avoided all this, picking her way through the mess, traipsing through shallow puddles. And there, hidden behind a metal trash bin, was a small, weak looking girl, her face pressed to her knees, arms wrapped tightly around her legs, brought up to her chest.

Her hair, darkened by the roaring rain, was still a bright purple, only reaching to her chin. She was obviously malnourished, seeming too small for even her young age. How old is she? the woman wondered, already crouching in front of the girl. The girl's heart-breaking sobs quieted, as she became aware of a presence in front of her. She peeked out over knees, squeaking when she caught sight of the strange woman.

"W-Who are you?" she whimpered, clutching at her legs tighter and tighter, afraid for her safety. The woman felt an untimely smile grace her lips. This girl...

"You don't know me?" she asked, and the girl shook her head furiously.

"N-Never s-seen you b-before!" she stammered, her words muffled.

"Have you heard of a woman people call Lady Angel?"

The girl took a moment to think, knowing that name sounded familiar. Her parents had mentioned it, praised it even. Finally, she raised her head from her knees and squinted through the rain at the blue-haired woman in front of her. "Yes," she squeaked. "Mommy and Daddy said she is a really nice lady, who helps people."

The woman's smile widened a fraction, and not just because of the compliment. She had noticed the girl's eyes, which were a startling purple, darker than her hair. They were absolutely stunning. "People believe that," the woman said, in response to the girl's statement. "I'm Lady Angel," she said, and the girl's beautiful eyes widened. "Though to those I trust, I am Konan. May I ask your name?"

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