Chapter twenty one: Toro to the rescue

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Toro nudged against Itachi, placing his paw on his closed eye, annoying the Uchiha prodigy. Itachi looked over towards the furry critter. It seemed to smile as it nudged him again.

"What do you want?" Kisame looked over to his partner the frowned. If Suzume was gone, then why was Toro with them? It really didn't make sense. "Where's your master?"

The furry animal grabbed a scroll and crudely drew a snake and two stick figures. Itachi studied it before understanding what it meant. He grabbed his cloak and Toro. Kisame hopped to his feet.

"Did he know?"

"Yeah, Suzume was working with Orochimaru and kidnapped Reika."

"Then everything she said was a lie. But you trusted her, is she that good at lying?"

"Suzume... never lied when I knew her."

Reika P.O.V

I tugged mindlessly at one chain binding my wrist to the wall I sat against. It clanked dully. I pulled it again. More stupid clanking. I sighed. This was so boring. I hadn't been raped yet (that was good) but I also hadn't done anything in all the time I'd been here. What. The. F*cking. Hell. Why did Suzume bring me here.

Alright, this was the most demented form of house I'd ever experienced, but still. Wasn't anything gonna happen?

You know, maybe I spoke too soon.

As I was banging my head against the nearest wall in an effort to relieve my boredom (or pass out trying; I was having some freaky dreams lately and I always woke up grinning like I lost my mind all over again) I heard the door creak open. My head instantly snapped around. An instinctive crooked grin flickered to life on my lips.

"What's up, Grandpa Bitch?" I greeted Kabuto. See, he had silver-gray hair, like an old man. And he was a bitch. So... yeah. That's what I called him.

He pushed up his round glasses, face impassive as ever. He never cracked a smile. Even when I mooned him just for the hell of it. "Orochimaru-sama has decided he'll start his tests with you."

Outside, I betrayed nothing. Cocky grin, flashing eyes that said I was ready for anything. Inside, though... My heart skittered with fear. I felt numb to the bone.

"Thanks but no thanks," I replied flippantly, waving Kabuto off like I was some goddamn queen. "I'd like to keep my virginity intact for as long as possible."

"Your opinion in meaningless here, Reika-chan."

"Don't call me that!" I snapped kinda viciously. Thoughts of Tobi crowded in and I had to suppress the tears that burned just behind my eyes. I really miss that dumbass...

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