Chapter 2

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In the last chapter you were bullied by Cardin Winchester and ran away from Beacon into the Emerald Forest where you hoped to die but fate had other plans as you soon meet Venom.

To you

As you were walking through the halls of Beacon you could see the looks people are giving you but you just ignore them but you were smiling as you walked into the caferteia and find team RWBY and team JNPR waiting for you.

Me: "Hey everyone".

Pyrrha: "F/n did you change your clothes and hair".

Me: "Oh these yes I did felt like having a much needed change".

Just then we hear Velvet and when we look we see she is having her ears pulled by Cardin and I stand up and walk over to him but I secretly talk to Venom.

Me: ^Venom lets not show off to much^.

Venom: ^Very well^.

Me: "Cardin that's enough".

Cardin: "Oh look it's the weakling you want to be my punching bag again".

Me: "No I'm just going to give you five seconds to let Velvet go".

Cardin soon lets go of Velvet turns and grabs me looking pissed at my cocky attiude but I don't really care as I grab his wrist and squeeze it making him let go before shoving him away.

Me: "Cardin why don't you grow up because to be honest this alpha male act is just pathetic but I guess you don't want people to see you for the bitch you are".

Those words made Cardin even more mad to the point where he runs at you but you just jump over him making him fall into a table and become coated in food and you just smile before adding more fuel to the fire.

Me: "Can we have clean up at table one a bitch just made a mess".

Everyone begins to laugh and this pissed Cardin off before he motioned for his team to join in which they did as one tries to attack you from behind but a strange sensation alerted you to this allowing you to dodge with a backflip.

Cardin: "Your so going to pay nerd".

Me: "Sorry I need you to speak english because sorry to say but I don't speak bitch".

That made Cardin angry as he runs at you while pulling out his hammer and you just stood there and just as Cardin was about to hit your head it was stopped as you smiled before everyone looks to see Glynda Goodwitch.

Goodwitch: "Mr Winchester professor Ozpin wishes to speak with you".

Cardin leaves with Goodwitch and many of the other students just watched me walk over to Velvet as I checked on her and she seemed to be alright but she was slightly red and I thought she might be sick.


After what happened in the cafeteria Cardin was expelled from Beacon and it made me very happy and once classes were done I took a walk around Vale I actually thought I would get some gifts for my friends but I was soon grabbed and pulled into an alley out of sight of everyone but once I see who pulled me I saw Cardin.

Me: "Cardin why are you being a creep hiding in dark alley?".

Cardin: "Because of you I lost everything my family disowned me, my girlfriend left me and you got me kicked from Beacon so now your going to pay me back".

Me: "Cardin you did all that to yourself if you had just not been racist towards the Faunus then maybe you life would be fine but I'll tell you what if you get on your knees and beg for my help I might just get Ozpin to let you back into Beacon".


Me: "Pause not into guys Cardin sorry".

Cardin finally had enough of my cocky attitude and goes for a punch to my face but that same sensation from before as I catch Cardin's punch before I grab his throat.

Me: "You know what Cardin I have taken your shit for so long that I believe I should give you fear".

Cardin soon goes wide eyed as Venom begins to coat me and soon Cardin saw what he would describe as a monster but Venom was much taller than him.

Venom: "Listen up if you bully another Faunus then we eat both of your arms and then both of your legs then we'll your face right of you head you'll be this armless, legless, faceless thing rolling down the street like a turd in the wind do you understand".

Cardin: "What are you?".

Me & Venom: "WE ARE VENOM".

Venom: "On second thought".

Cardin was soon screaming as we actually eat him and as strange as it was it felt good as we walk out the alley no one knew what just happened making me smile but I did accept something off Cardin for his last moments in this world.

Me: "Lets see how should I use this cash Cardin left me maybe on presents for everyone".

Venom: ^He tasted awful can we get some good food^.

I agree with Venom about getting some real food so I grab two burgers which me and Venom eat after getting out of sight of everyone.

Me: "Ok Venom I need to set a rule on the eating people".

Venom: "Ok".

Me: "You will only eat bad people understood".

Venom: "Fine after all you are my host".

After we had eaten our burgers we go to a nearby story and find the perfect gifts for everyone so I buy them and walk out after that I head back to Beaconbut because it was so late I decide to give everyone their gifts tomorrow.

Me: "Ok a couple push ups before bed maybe 200 reps".

I get into position and lower myself before rising with ease thanks to Venom increasing my strength a little.

Me: "1....2....3....4....".

I continue to do my push ups and I don't stop until I reach 200 once I did I shower and get to bed ready for the next day.

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