Chapter 8

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As I'm walking walking through Vale I could sense that person againbut it also feels like tey are getting closer as I soon see team RWBY as they noticed me but once I sense the person coming towards us I got to running.

Yang: "Come on we need to catch him".

Team RWBY chase after me as I see someone swinging and I do a little parkour by bouncing of the walls and on to the roof where I continue running but I'm soon blocked by Weiss before noticing I was surrounded.

Me: "What do you four want".

Ruby: "We want F/n back".

Me: "Ruby we are right here can't you see".

Yang: "No we don't want you Venom".

Me: "So you learned the truth not that it matters we are one but please do try and stop us we are so very hungry".

Blake: "F/n fight him please".

I soon morph into my Venom form and rush at her before being kicked in the face and sent to the street below.

Spider-man: "You girls stay here I'll deal with Venom".

As Spider-man jumps down Venom saw a former host and smiled before rushing at him Spider-man was smaller but more agile however Venom was far stronger as he catched his kick and slams him into a wall.

Venom: "It's so nice to see you Spider-man or should I call you Peter".

Spider-man: "Venom let that host go you and I don't belong here".

Venom: "What a shame because we love it here and we are going to stay but tell me. What's red and blue but dead all over?".

Spider-man soon was forced to jump when Venom charged and crashed through the walls but Venom gabs him through the wall and pulls him inside where the sounds of ighting could be heard and suddenly Spider-man came flying out of the building as Venom walks out.

Venom: "Answer a Spider-man".

Yang: "VENOM".

Yang tries to punch him but Venom grabs her and slams her into the ground before Ruby jumps into the battle but he tossed Yang into Ruby as he soon sensed something and when he spins round and grabs it he saw it was Blake but Weiss used her glyphes to help but nothing worked as Venom grabs Weiss and slams her and Blake together before dropping them.

Venom: "No one is going to take us away".

Venom walks towards the down team RWBY and was about to kill Yang but his fist wouldn't move and Spider-man noticed this but he soon sees Ironwood's robots drop down and surround Venom.

Venom: "Seems we'll settle this another time".

Venom jumps away as team RWBY regain consciousness as they see Venom running away but Ruby tries to reach out for him.

Ruby: "F/n please come back".


After Spider-man and team RWBY returned to Beaco they met up with Ozpin but Ironwood was arguing with Ozpin about you.

Ozpin: "I told you once James we will not be killing an innocent person".

Ironwood: "Innocent Oz he has already killed people that boy is not innocent and he must be put down".


Ironwood looks and sees team RWBY and Spider-man before sighing and turns to look at them but before he could speak Yang ran up and punched him.


Ironwood: "Ms. Xiao Long he is dangerous as you just experienced".

Weiss: "But killing him is murder".

Ozpin: "And I am in agreement Ms. Schnee".

Blake: "I'm not going to let you hunt him like an animal".

Ironwood: "Look we have a duty to protect Remnant from all threats and right now you four are not seeing the big picture".

Ruby: "But you can't just kill someone for something that isn't their fault".

As Ironwood was about to make his arguement but was soon stopped as you show up on a broadcast all across Remnant.

Me: "To all of Remnant listen well to our words we are going to show you that Grimm are not the ones to fear but instead you should hope they find you before we do and to those so called protectors we are not going to stop until we have devoured this world in three days the world will change will you join us or be eaten".

Venom: "Make your choice".

The broadcast ends and a sense of fear creeps into everyones hearts as Ironwood contacts his soldiers who begin to search for you but as they search Vale you were sat in an unknown location looking at your plan to change the world.

To you

Me: "Three days until this world becomes ours".

Venom: "Yes and you have been my best host".

I was sitting near a fire I made when I suddenly feel light headed I couldn't even understand why as I feel Venom give me a little strength.

Me: "Venom am I sick".

Venom: "No your just tried from all the good we are doing after all in three days we will all be one free from hate, free from war and most of all free from loneliness".

Me: "Oh yes we will I think I'll sleep for a little bit".

Venom: "Yes rest I will watch our future".

I fall asleep hoping to regain some of my strength letting Venom watch over the future of Remnant little did I know just what we were really doing.

Venom: ^Remnant will change it's a shame that when it does I'll have to find a new host but at least I get a good meal^.

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