Chapter 7

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After I had returned to Beacon many of the sudents saw my hans and kept their distance from me team RWBY and JNPR try to speak with me but as soon as Jaune placed a hand on my shoulder I flip and pin him against a wall ready to punch him.

Jaune: "Wow dude it's me Jaune".

I soon realized I was holding Jaune against the wall before stepping away as he falls to the floor but I just keep walking away but Ruby soon stood in my way.

Me: "Move".

Ruby: "Not until you tell us what is wrong".

Me: "I said MOVE".

My aura bursts which knocks everyone back before Goodwitch tries to stop me but I vanish and deck her in the jaw sending her flying through some stone pillars as everyone stood there in shock at my action but I soon saw Rex who stood in the crowd.

Me: "REX".

He looked at me and was soon met with a punch to the face sending him crashing into a stone wall but he also used his semblance to boost his own power.

Rex: "I take it your angry at me for something but hitting the stronger person is a mistake one you will not make again".

Rex rushed at me but I know how he fights as he rushed towards me I counter him with an elbow but I don't let him fly away as I grab his wrist and punch him into the ground with enough force it shatters the ground below.

Me: "I will not let you live anymore".

I punched him again gaining even more blood on my hands until Yang grabs me to make me stop but I pull myself free and hit Rex again before finally standing up.

???: "F/N L/N STAND DOWN".

I look at the person who shouted me and it was none other than James Ironwood who traveled here for the vytal festival had his weapons pointed at me.

Me: "You want us to stand down".

Ironwood was confused as to why I said we but Yang knew and she shook her head telling me not to but I smile as Venom begins to coat me and soon everyone saw the secret I was hiding.

Venom: "We are done with Beacon and all the people who hurt us".

Ironwood: "What are you?".

Venom: "We are Venom".

Venom soon begins to run but Ironwood shoots but he missed as the creature escapes into the Emerald Forest but team RWBY soon chased after him but he was too fast and they lost him.

To you

I return to my normal form and I still feel the hatred in my soul as I wash my hands in the river.

Me: "We are hated, we are feared and now we have nothing".

Venom: ^We need no one^.

Me: "We don't need anyone".

I smiled at this as someone walked over to us but I ready to attack but when I turn to face those who would come near us I saw two women and one male.

???: "Are you F/n L/n".

Me: "And what if I am sweetheart".

???: "Our master would like to offer you a spot in her army".

Me: "What makes you think I'm going anywhere with you".

???: "Oh we don't want you just that thing".

I knew they were talking about Venom as I watched them surround me but this just makes me smile.

Me: "You want some come get some".

The guy with grey hair rushed in and starts throwing kicks but I soon start seeing multiple of the same dude and see the green haired girl smile but I used Venom to strike them all without leaving a single one making the real one back up.

Me: "is that all you have a hot headed punk and a cheap illusionist either your not serious or have really have no talent".

???: "Who you calling a hot headed punk".

???: "Mercury, Emerald stand down this one is clearly more than you two can handel".

Emerald: "Yes Cinder".

I watch as Cinder stood in front of me waiting for me to attack and I don't keep her waiting as I rush in but just as we were about to clash a loud boom echos through the sky making us look up and see something falling towards Beacon but Cinder decides to use this moment to retreat.

Me: "Looks like the bitch ran not that it matters we have freedom".

At Beacon

Ozpin, Goodwitch and Ironwood were investergating the strange ship that land at Beacon as a man dressed oin a strange suit hops out and Ironwood was quick to point his gun at the stranger but it was soon pulled out of his hand with webs.

???: "I don't really like guns too shooty".

Ozpin: "I see your not like any normal man might I ask your name".

???: "Sure not surprising I head of a multiverse but never thought I would see another hello I'm your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man".

Spider-man's look

Ozpin: "So tell me Mr Man what brings you to our universe"

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Ozpin: "So tell me Mr Man what brings you to our universe".

Spider-man: "I'm looking for someone goes by the name Venom".

Ironwood: "Venom why him?".

Spider-man: "From your reaction you have met him and I must apologize you see we were sending Venom away but the ship he was on was knocked off course and managed to reach your universe".

Goodwitch: "Tell us is he or it dangerous".

Spider-man: "Yes but I fear for the host because Venom slowly turns them more aggressive but it also slow kills them as well you see I had this friend called Eddie Brock but after he joined with Venom thing became bad and over time the symbiote slow killed him".

Just then team RWBY and JNPR arrive just as they hear that Venom was slowly killing you.

Yang: "Are you serious he's dying".

Spider-man: "I'm afraid so but if we remove the symbiote he'll be ok but we need to find him and fast because the longer we wait the harder it will get to remove".

Weiss: "But how do we even remove it?".

Spider-man: "Venom's race has only two weakness that we know of fire and sound".

Just then Spider-man looks towards the Emerald Forest as if something was calling him but as this was going on I seem to have a strange feeling like something was calling me but it wasn't me but Venom.

Me: "What is this?".

Venom: ^He must be here^.

Me: "Who is he?".

Venom: ^Spider-man^.

At Beacon

Ruby: "Are you ok?".

Spider-man: "Venom".

Everyone was confused but some how he could sense Venom as if they were linked but team RWBY was worried about you and hope they can save you before time runs out.

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