Chapter 5

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After I told team RWBY about my past and Venom they all had many questions but we also started dating and soon everything was getting back to the way it used to be but I had to also tell team JNPR and they also accepted me but things were about to shake up.

To you

I was practicing with my new weapons when a shadow came over but as I looked up I saw it was a ship and I knew it all too well as I head to the landing bay where everyone was also gathered and Yang could see my unease.

Yang: "F/n do you know that ship".

Me: "Yeah it's my families ship".

As the doors open a young man came out and looks at the people with a snobby attitude as he walks towards the people I just stood there letting my anger build.

???: "So this is Beacon it's most unimpressive and this is the best academy in Vale what a waste".

Me: "Then why don't you leave".

The man looks at me and he smiled a cocky smile before walking over to me not letting go of his snobby attitude.

???: "Well well if it isn't my dear brother you made it into Beacon then that proves it's not the best if they allow someone like you in".

Me: "Why are you here Rex?".

Rex: "Simple I'm going to be a student here not that it's going to be hard since your here".

Me: "Your think your going to have it easy because trust me you won't so take that stick out of your ass".

Rex: "You still have a filthy mouth even towards your own brother".

Me: "Funny because the day I was threw out you smiled".

Rex: "Yes because I could finally watch you grow but you never did".

Rex soon noticed Yang and approached her acting like some prince charming but I stand in his way.

Rex: "Excuse me brother but you know it's rude to stand between people also I would like to speak with this beautiful lady and not you".

Yang: "Sorry but I'm not interested and also I have a boyfriend and that would be F/n".

Rex: "Seriously how odd tell me how much has he offered you to play this little role".

Yang: "Excuse me".

Rex: "My brother is clearly not the strongest unlike you which means he must have paid you to be his girlfriend".

Yang: "Actually we chose to date him because he's kind unlike you asshole".

Rex: "We?".

Soon the rest of team RWBY show up and Rex begins to laugh but just when Yang was about to hit him I step forward and punch him in the jaw so hard he got sent flying into a tree.


Rex: "You need to learn your place just like Sophie".

Me: "What did you do to her Rex?".

Rex: "Me nothing but father was not happy with her sudden attitude so he needed to punish her like he did with you only less extreme".

I was pissed but I knew that I needed to hold it together before I unleash Venom and kill him but the fact that Sophie is being punished for no reason made me angry as Rex walks away and team RWBY walk over to me.

Ruby: "He's a jerk".

Weiss: "Who is Sophie?".

Me: "She is my little sister".

Blake: "You never mentioned her".

Me: "Sophie was born after I was thrown out and now she needs help so I'll be gone for a while".

After that I left Beacon on a family matter but for me it was a matter of vengeance mainly against that monster I called father.

Me: "Venom when we get to my families home let me talk to them".

Venom: "I will wait until I'm needed but tell me why is this sister of yours so important isn't she like your brother".

Me: "Truth is out of my whole family only 2 people actually loved me my sister who I got in touch with after I started Beacon and my mother but I saw her blame herself for the way I was treated my father would abuse her and me".

Venom: "Your mother sounds nice".

Me: "She is when I was living on the streets she would always come find me and make sure I was ok".

As we were walking I felt uneasy about returning to that house all the pain that my father had given me was still fresh in my memories but for those who care about me I would fight the devil himself.

Me: "No turning back".

I kick open the door as the servants saw me and they all seemed happy to see me as I hear that voice.

???: "You dare come back here you failure".

Me: "Nice to see you again Lucas".

Lucus: "Have you lost your manners when addressing your father boy".

Me: "No but when you threw me out of this family I remember you saying I wasn't your son so I don't see you as my father".

Lucas: "If that is true then why have you come back?".

Me: "Simple I want my sister".

Lucas: "You come to this home and demand something".

Me: "I want family not yours because I also want my mother because I'm sick of the abuse you give her".

Lucas: "Your just a child and I refuse to be ordered around by someone who is weak".

He starts walking away but I ust run up the stairs towards him but just as I was within reach he moved fast to where he was behind me before hitting me with a strong punch but thanks to Venom I tank it.

Lucas: "You will never survive in this world".

Me: "Your wrong because look at me I'm still stand when before I would have been knocked down when you hurt me I got back up and once I was thrown out of this place that I called home I got back on my feet you think power makes the man but the man makes the power and your just a little man".

I was about to rush at him again but this time I became unable to move as I see him walk towards me.

Lucas: "The strong will always win against the weak and you are no different".

I soon see him hit me with ten punches and as I was soon able to move I was hit by them all at once and fall to the ground unable to stand but as I fall in to unconsciousness I hear him speak.

Lucas: "Take him to the dungeon putting with his sister".

I fall unconscious as before they drag me away to this dungeon where I would see my sister.

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