Chapter 10

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After Carnage began his rampage on Vale Beacon made it's stand against the army of venomized people but after nearly 5 days of fighting our resources began to lower and we all knew it would only be a matter of time until Beacon falls however we continue to fight and right now I lead WBY on the hunt for Ruby.

To you

Yang: "F/n are you sure your well enough for this".

Me: "It's my fault Carnage was able to do this and it's my fault we lost Ruby but I refuse to stand back like some coward".

Blake an Weiss could see I was in no condition to fight but they also knew I would refuse to standby while others suffer but they couldn't help but worry as we soon hear something running towards us and it was Ruby but she acted strange because she was aiming for me.

Weiss: "F/N WATCH OUT".

I dodged Ruby's scythe but only barely as she kicks me back and thanks to her being venomized her strength was much higher but I grip the ground to prevent myself from being pushed away.

Blake: "You ok".

Me: "No I'm angry".

Blake, Weiss and Yang saw the look in my eyes and it was indeed full of rage but not towards Ruby but that bastard Carnage and myself.

Blake, Weiss and Yang saw the look in my eyes and it was indeed full of rage but not towards Ruby but that bastard Carnage and myself

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Me: "You three stay back".

They didn't dare argue as I step forword before Ruby rushed me but even though she has been made stronger her skills are not the same as I catch her weapon and punch her in the face sending her crashing through some trees.

Yang: "That is going to hurt".

Weiss: "Yeah".

Ruby quickly gets up but without her weapon and like a wild animal rushed into the fight but I block her but she does manage to knee me in the jaw making me stumble back but I deliver a spinning back kick which knocks her to the ground.

Me: "Listen up you parasite that girl you have as your host is someone I care about and your about to let her go understand".

Ruby jumps up but I catch her hands before throwing her into a wall before she was on her hands and knees as I signal for Weiss to get the container as she does as me, Yang and Blake start making lots of noise which makes the symbiote lose it's hold on Ruby.

Ruby: "Help me".

Me: "Just a little longer Ruby".

As the symbiote falls off we caught it in the container which was going to be studies for signs of any weakness of these clones in hopes of saving Remnant after we had it we all return to Beacon where the research would be carried out.

Me: "I'm going to take Ruby to the dorm room".

As I walked with an unconscios Ruby in my arms towards our dorm room I couldn't but feel like someone was watching me but I soon arrive and enter the dorm where I would place Ruby on a bed after that I walked into the bathroom to grab a wet cloth but as soon I shut the door a voice speaks to me and the voice belongs to Venom.

Venom: ^F/n can you hear me^.

Me: "Where are you Venom?".

Venom: ^I'm close but now is not the time your must prepare^.

Me: "Prepare for what?".

Venom: ^For the battle that is to come between us and Carnage^.

After that Venom falls silent but how could I hear him again I thought he died when Carnage took over but I knew one thing Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake should know because something tells me what's coming will be my last.

Time Skip

After I had Blake, Weiss and Yang meet me at the dorm room I locked the door so no one could walk in on our conversation.

Yang: "So what did you want to talk to us about?".

Me: "I think I'm destined to fight Carnage or maybe I should say we".

Blake: "We will stand by your side always".

Weiss: "Blake is right as long as we work together nothing will stop us".

Me: "No I mean we".

They were confused but Yang was quick to pick up on it and runs up to me and pushed me against the wall shocking Blake and Weiss".

Blake: "Yang stop".

Weiss: "Yeah what's got into you?".

Yang: "SHUT UP".

Both of them could tell she was angry but they couldn't tell why until she looks me in the eyes.


Me: "I am Yang".



Blake and Weiss now understand as Yang let go and I walk towards them while holding them.

Me: "I know it's hard but it's the only way but I still have time before then so I want to spend it with all of you even if it's only one more night".

Weiss, Blake and Yang all begin to cry as they knew what I was telling them was nothing short of a goodbye but even so after Ruby finally wakes up we explain things and even she cries but we agree to stay together for the time I have left.

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