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"Here we go again" i whisper to myself. Stood on platform 9 and three quarters with my Slytherin suitcase. With my black bag and my green scarf. With the other students all boarding the train and saying goodbye to their parents. Leo, he's already somewhere on the train and Eve is stood beside me hugging her friends. I smile, before giving her a little nudge. "Ready when you are" ... she turns and nods her head boarding the Hogwarts express before I do. I then drag my case and bag around with me as I enter the train to find a seat.

I'm sat beside Draco Malfoy, his brother Artemis Malfoy, Venus Lupin and Amora Parkinson. Draco already has that smug look on his face, his brother currently laughing with the girls. "I can't even believe that Seren would do that." Venus giggles, "of course she would, Seren would do anything for a chuckle." "What did she do?" ... Amora takes out a Muggle technology. A phone, she miraculously knows how to use it and shows me a video of Seren getting kicked out of a Muggle bar. "She was wasted" Artemis tells. "You were there" Amora tilts her head and Artemis watches the world go by through the window. "We're you all there?" ... "Hell yeah!" Venus pauses and then rests her hand over mine with a small smile. "I really am sorry you couldn't make it".

To that I see Judah Nott walk the train in search for her possy. Her brother Theo, Blaise and Dylan Riddle. We don't talk about Riddle. He's vile, evil... a spoilt git. He was nice and I'd go so far as to even say cute, that's when I knew him before Hogwarts. He had helped me, Leo and Eve get to Hogwarts but once finally settled into life here he turned on us. He decided to instead, due to some fraud made up ages ago, to be the enemy.

Not one of my family members speak of him, not one of my friends like him. The rumours are all apparently true. That he sleeps around with any girl who is interested, isn't a relationship person and he despises nothing more than my family. Well... the last one is definitely true, that and we can't also stand him. I mean yeah, so what, he's amazingly attractive. I thought that I liked him and that I had a chance with him but then he called me a 'pathetic abused orphan girl'.

When I say he thinks and says the unthinkable... the unimaginable. I literally mean every word of it. He chooses to be the King Of Slytherin. Which means that he is the most known Slytherin since Salazar. So it means that he's an even more bigger asshole because he has that power. He also, seems to be weird sometimes. He disappears and always sleeps or doesn't pay attention in class, yet he is passing everything but potions and he's one of the smartest.

He's told me before that he instead wishes he had never helped me, knowing who my family are and that I was dead instead. He's almost done it before. I pushed my luck, one time he got on my nerves so much i thought I could outsmart him. You can never outsmart Dylan Riddle. He had turned my own wand on me within seconds and it was resting under my chin. The green flare almost lit but Blaise had told him to stop it.

I swore to keep it a secret. However, it slipped this one time I was in the hall. I told everyone and that was when Draco and Artemis swore that Dylan would stay away. That he was to be a metre from us unless he had a death wish, to which he clearly does so, because Dylan Riddle is never just a metre away... well at least not from me.

Judah Nott makes her way down the carriages and finally finds a seat sat beside Blaise Zabini and her own brother Theo. Pansy Parkinson is also saving a seat for a late comer. However the train has already left the platform. So how is Mr Riddle gonna get to school?

"Your late" my auntie smacks a pillow over my head as my eyes immediately open and i jump from bed. "The train leaves at exactly 11 o'clock, you've missed it" she tells and I shrug. I quickly run around the house like mad until I'm ready to leave again for my last year. "Now remember" my uncle begins stood in the hallway, "yeah yeah" ... "Dont abuse your powers." "It's more then that Dylan, if you show any side of superhuman. Your not as protected when your in the Wizarding world sadly." I roll my eyes, "believe me, I would like to not be protected."

"Dylan, please we're doing our best okay" my uncle now sits on the step. "Would i be better off just staying in the Wizarding world anyway" i ask and my auntie shakes her head. "You'll get hunted, for your superpowers because you are not like every other magical folk" she smiles. "Great, well I'll be back hopefully with my head on my shoulders before you even know it" is all i say after I apparate.

From doing so, I get hit on the arm by Pansy who is now beside me. "Not that late, okay. I was an hour over this time" Blaise smiles in the corner. "Amused" i rest my head back and sigh. "I finally can't wait for this year to be over" ... "we haven't even begun it" Judah giggles. "Well, for your information Miss Nott, I'd rather be elsewhere." Theo rests his arms on the table in the middle of us. "Like where" he asks and I lift my head up from watching the ceiling. "I don't know, traveling ... around the world. Seeing new places, getting a new sense of belonging."

"You can do all that after this year, your still young you know" Theo sits back and I shrug my shoulders again. Looking out of the window before directing my attention to the laughter coming from next door to us. Morpheus Black and her possy. She laughs sat beside Draco Malfoy and for a second there, I was glad that I was on this train until I feared she'd catch me watching so I looked away.

I did see him. Dylan Riddle, just had his eyes on me. Staring at me for some time before tearing them away from me to look back through the window. However I did see him. I didn't want to act like I was paying attention though, so I kept my eyes glued onto Amora who was also laughing in front of me. "This years gonna be great" Venus states, "I can feel it".

"It's been two hours and I wanna throw myself of the roof" is all i say after slamming the door. "Chill" Blaise scoffs. "Sit" Theo directs me to a chair in the dorm room. "I didn't need to have that one on one with Dumbledore about my behaviour this year" i rest into my seat. "Well then maybe you shouldn't be so rebellious and give him a reason not too" Theo chuckles to himself, before I kick his leg. "Just no funny business this year Riddle and you'll be fine" Blaise sprawled on his bed says. "No funny business" ... "but that's my job" i tell him. Theo rolls his eyes, "king of Slytherin" he mocks. "Indeed" i smirk.

"Well for time being, can you just be a boy and go to sleep" Blaise asks and I shake my head with a smile, getting up from the chair I was in and laying down in my bed. Wondering about random things, thinking about ways I could beat the system this year. Directing all my attention on the ceiling as i slowly ended up falling asleep.

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