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The great holds most of my memories here at Hogwarts. With or without him. I had been sat in the same place, for years, just watching the beauty of it all. I'm not going to be able to admire this view for much longer. That's the most painful part. Im slowly coming to my senses and realising that I won't be here much longer. I have been so kept up in my messed up love life that I had forgotten it was my last year. It really does suck to say the least. Yet, I'm still thinking about him. Why, your guess is as good as mine. I don't know why, perhaps it's because I still want him.

I spent a week in the hospital wing but now I'm back on my feet. A scar still shows on my eyebrow, which also thinks is badass. He even slit is eyebrow open with a razor so that he could have the same scar. He is definitely an idiot but I love him nonetheless. "Thinking about me" his voice chimes in the background as i sigh and just let him sit beside me. "How do owe the pleasure Chase" i say. "Second thoughts perhaps" he smiles. "Not of you. Do not think that you are getting me back." "Your love life is" ... "none of your buiness" i but I'm but he continues, "it's very paternalistic." "So your saying that every once of love that I feel slows I'm a pattern" i turn to him and he nods. "That's exactly what I'm saying. You slept with Theo, twice if I remember correctly. He wanted a relationship and you fled. Same here, we got closer and I started to fall for you and then you fled. Though I do not tolerate Riddle, i in fact hate him, your sound the same." "What's your point" i just slump my chin onto my hand that's bing held up by my elbow. "You run away Mo. You always do, your just afraid of commitment. It's got nothing to do with danger or not, your accustomed to it here at Hogwarts. Our entires lives have danger amongst them, your just using that as an excuse." "Why are you helping him, especially if you do so much as to hate him" i ask, although what he is saying is the truth, I'm still mad at him. Mad at the world.

"I never said anything about helping Riddle. I'm just trying to help you. I'm ever so sorry that I become to much to handle" he says as i scoff. "Please, you were never too much to handle. You just got forceful." "I'm not here to argue about my actions, you can hate me all you want. I am just here because at the moment, I am in fact the only person you talk to." I shake my head but he continues on, "like actually talk to, you don't actually release any of your angers or tensions on your friends and this is what you need. Someone to piss you off." "Point made, you do piss me off."

He smiles and for the first ever, or for the first time in awhile, I smile too. An actual smile. But it's not because I, falling for him or anything. He still is someone who I keep my eye on when I'm around him, but he has made his point. I do feel much better. "I wouldn't want to bother you much longer and night fall is in an hour, but if you want peace" he stands and begins his walk away and not much is said after that but goodbyes. Then I'm left in the quiet and my own thoughts and emotional feelings again. The sun goes down and the moon shines over the lake. I stay put. I stay out all night and just watch the view, too enthralled with it all. "Goodness" Leo yells from behind me, "there you are."

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