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The canvas stood on a stand in front of me is bare. White. With nothing on it, yet. When I feel inspired to draw or to paint I do it with love, with ease. But I haven't done it in awhile. The last portrait was off Dylan laying on the grass beside the great lake. My favourite place. So today I have decided to finally get back to it. But what do I draw. Should I draw a landscape or a person, and anainl perhaps. When my door opens and closes and in comes Evelyn I'm relieved of my thoughts. "What should I draw" I ask her and she puts her coat on my bed and walks over. "A patronus" she says and I smile. "Nice" I turn to her. "I didn't think of that." "What is your patronus, maybe draw that" she says. "Mines a fox" I tell her. Placing my palette on my table and going for all the warm colours. A fox is orange. I start with a orange circle in the middle of the canvas, Eve sits on my bed and reads a book she has taken from my shelf. Leo and Eve love to do this. Come into my room and just pretend that they are not there. They love my company, without having to actually have it. If that makes sense.

I'm too lost in concentration to realise that Leo that just barged into the room, very excited. He jumps on the bed beside Evelyn but she pushes him becasue he had scared her. "What's happened" I put down my palette and brush. "Nothing." But I know that smile. "Leo" I raise my voice. "Alright fine. I hanged out with Riddle yesterday" he says. My face drops. "Pardon" I blink. "Don't be too serious, he isn't that bad. I don't believe he is. Why do you hate him so much. If the fraud never even existed then why can't we be friends with him." "That's not the point leo" I pause, trying not to get angry at him. "The point is that he is dangerous. Especially becasue he is not like us." "But he is like us, he likes to have fun. We had so much fun yesterday." "You can have fun with us." He drops his smile, and I sigh. Okay, maybe not as much fun. "Listen, I don't want you getting involved with him." "Geez, its not like I'm bedding him. You did though" he teases but drops his gaze to the floor when he sees that I don't find that joke funny.

"Sorry" he says. "I know your still hurting and your finding it hard to trust him. To trust draco and artemis. But please, I'm only trying to help fix things." "They don't need fixing" I tell him and he nods his head. It's understood and helpfully it won't happen again. However I know Leo, it will definitely happen again.

He changes the subject directing his attention to the canvas behind me. "It's a" he tilts his head, "orange sideways snowman with a tail." "It's going to be a fox" I sau with determination. Grabbing my palette and brush again. "A fox" he smiles. "I see it now." I giggle and begin drawing again. This time adding detail. It usually takes me minutes to doodle something up but if it's a canvas, it takes me hours. Leo and Eve talk amongst themselves while I try and finish off the fox, but leos right. It doesn't look anything like a fox, I must've messed up somewhere. So, instead I decided to turn it into a orange, firey fall like background. Adding a white over it to make a layout of a human. "So now it's a white cutout of a man. What happened to the fox" Leo asks. "Shh, I'm concentrating" is all say.

Within the next hour. The masterpiece is finished. It's kf a man with brown hair, and firey like eyes. I made him smirk, adding a pinkish detail to his cheeks. I'm impressed with myself and more importantly my work of art until the moment is over. "You know who that looks like right. You drew Dylan" Leo says. "No. Not exactly" ... "Yes exactly" he says. "Mo. Who else has those eyes, especially now that you know he is superhuman." "Don't say it aloud, people could hear you" I tell him. "I didn't know that you cared" he teases, crossing his arms. "I don't. But then again, I don't want the entire school knowing and it be my fault." Leo points to the picture on the canvas. "Admit it. That's Dylan" he raises his eyebrow, "you know you want too." "Okay fine. It's Dylan, I didn't want to draw him though I just let the art come to me." "You still love him" Evelyn teases from the bed. "Don't you dare start."


"Heard you drew me" his voice comes from behind me as I walk the corridor and I roll my eyes. "No. I drew someone else." "With firey red eyes and brown hair" he catches up to me with ease. "Your only like this becasue it makes you feel good" ... "that I drew you." "Yes" he smiles. "It's the best new I've heard all week and it's Tuesday and I found out yesterday that my cousin is expecting" he says. "Seriously." He nods his head. "Well, don't get your hopes up Riddle." "Ouch" he puts his hand to his heart. "I'm not forgiving you, nor am I falling back in love with you" I tell him. "You fell in love with me" he smiles. Damn it. "I'm going now."

"No no no" he walks beside me. "So you were in love with me" ... "you already knew that." "Yes I did, but it's nice that you admit it." "Can you stop. This is ridiculous. So what, I drew you it doesn't change anything." "You still have me on your mind Mo, enough to draw me without knowing it." I roll my eyes again. "You need to stop. I don't want anything to do with you." "Mo" but I break him off, "Morpheus." "Come on, I'm not gonna harm you. Why can't we just talk." "You lied to me" I say. "I had to okay, but believe me I didn't expect that I'd catch feelings for you. Please just hear me out." I stand my ground. I can't have him disturbing my day. I've been slacking enough as it is. I leave him with a gently nod and a goodbye, he gets the memo. He stays there and doesn't walk after me. He just watches me leave.

He has to learn the hard way. I do too. I can't forgive and forget. As much as I would like too. He chose to follow a path and that's exactly what I am doing. Yes, I still have hard feelings fir him but I have got to ignore them. For my safety, for my family and becasue of the word we live in. If word got out that me and dylan were courting, it will spread like wildfire through the wizarding world. The daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and the superhuman son of Tyler Riddle. I'm not like my mum. People do think that though. I look like her more than anything, I have her younger features. But those who know me, know that I am nothing like her nor ever will be.

I sit next to Pansy and Astoria in potions. Trying to get out of my own head and focus on the lesson. Yet finding it very hard to do so. I can also feel his eyes burning into me, that doesn't help also.

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