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Caroline was sad and didn't want to see anyone. Rebekah will put the blood bag on her table. She didn't visit Klaus in the painting room. Klaus was sad without seeing and talking to her. He did not know what happen to her. Whenever he wanted to see her in the room, Rebekah will stop him.

Don't disturb her, she needs to be alone, said Rebekah.

''Why?''asked Klaus.

''It's none of your business,'' said Rebekah.

Klaus was annoyed with Rebekah's words. He called her mobile phone, but she did not answer.

Klaus was worried and angry, about why Caroline is avoiding him. He thinks that he did something bad to her. He went to a bar and started to drink till become sober.

Klaus went to the mansion full of sober at midnight and he entered Caroline's room. He sat beside her and watched her sleeping. Suddenly Caroline felt someone beside her. She touched the chest. Then she knew it, it was Klaus. She sits beside him on the bed and in a second she hugged him. She cried.

Klaus can't understand what happened to her. He responded and hugged her tightly.

Don't cry Caroline, said Klaus with a sober voice.

Then they broke the hug, and Klaus wiped the tears.''What happen Caroline?'' asked Klaus with a husky voice.

''Tyler got married to a lady wolf. He rejected me because I'm not perfect. I'm blind, Klaus! I'm blind!'' said, Caroline.

Klaus was angry with Tyler and sad for her. He holds her hand and told her not to cry. He asked her to forget everything and start a new life.

We are vampires and we will live for a longer period so we will meet so many challenges in our life as a vampire. You're not weak even though you are blind. I know you are a strong girl, Caroline, said Klaus. He kissed her forehead. Caroline hugged him and she felt relieved when he said that.

So now I want you to have a good rest, see you in my painting room tomorrow, said Klaus.

She smiled and get in the blanket. Klaus watched her and stay beside her till she slept. Then, he went to his room.

He lays on his bed and thinks about kissing her forehead. He never did that to anyone and he felt guilty because he is the reason she become blind.

On next day Caroline came out of the room and Rebekah was very happy to see her.

''I have good news to tell you,'' said Rebekah.

''What is it?''asked Caroline.

''Davina gave me the daylight ring and ask you to try it,'' said Rebekah.

Caroline wore the daylight ring and Rebekah brought her near to sunlight. Nothing happens to her when she stands near the sunlight. Rebekah hugged her.

''It's working .''said Rebekah.

Caroline cannot see anything but she was very happy. She went to the painting room to tell him the good news. She called Klaus, but he is not there. She went to his room, but he is not there.

Where he went? He told me to see him in the painting room, said Caroline to herself.

''He went to meet his lover at the bar,'' said Kol.

Caroline's face changed when she heard that. Klaus didn't share any of his personal things with her even though they are good friends.

Caroline went to the garden for the first time after she drank the blood from the blood bag. She was sitting and listening to the sounds of birds chirping and she pluck some roses. She smells it. She was happy to be out after so long even though the surrounding is still dark. Then the tears fell from her eyes. Klaus wiped it. Caroline felt the hand of Klaus. She touched his hand. He holds her hand and sat beside her.

''I'm sorry Caroline. I'm the reason your life is depressed,'' said Klaus.

Don't say that Klaus, its a fate, said Caroline touching his face.

Klaus wanted to kiss her but he cannot because he was scared she will pull him away.

''Caroline, I fancy you,'' said Klaus rubbing her soft hand.

Caroline smiled and pinched his hand with a laugh.

''So I heard you have a date in the morning. So how is the date?'' said Caroline with a smile.

''Who told you that?'' asked Klaus.

''Kol,'' said Caroline.

''I will kill him,'' said Klaus.

''I'm happy for you, who is the lucky girl?'' asked Caroline.

''She is just a friend,'' said Klaus.

Caroline smiled.

''Klaus, can you walk me to the library,'' said Caroline.

Klaus holds her hand and he walked her to the library.

Caroline touched all the books and watched Klaus.

I love to read Klaus but now I cannot. Can you read it for me? said, Caroline.

Of course Caroline, then Klaus took his favorite book and read for Caroline. He was sitting beside her while reading the book. She was listening and then she fall asleep on his shoulder.

Klaus smiled and carried her to her room. He lays her on the bed and covered her in the bedsheet.

Klaus went to his painting room and drank till become sober. It's my mistake, she is blind said Klaus to himself. He slept in his painting room.

Caroline woke up in her room then she realizes that she slept in the library and Klaus brought her to her room. She went to the painting and called his name but no answer. Then she smelled bourbon. She touched Klaus's body, he is sleeping on the couch. She sat in the foreground beside him and shout in his ears, his name. When he heard, he turned and he is too close to her face. He could feel her breathe then he touched her face and kissed her lips. 

She was shocked by the kiss and could smell the bourbon in his mouth. She moved away from him. She stood with the stick and walk fastly to her room. She cannot believe that Klaus kissed her lips.

Klaus stay frozen when he saw Caroline push him away. He could not believe he kissed Caroline. He stood and went to her room. She was sitting on her bed.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you without yourrrrrrrrrrr, stammered Klaus while looking down.

It's ok maybe I met you at the wrong time. I think you had a dream kissing your girlfriend, said Caroline with a laugh.

Klaus smiled at her joke. Actually, Klaus wanted to kiss her lips a long time ago but he is scared.

Klaus leaves her room with a big smile on his face.

''So, you kissed her,'' said Kol.

''Go to hell, Kol,'' said Klaus.

''You changed a lot, I'm happy for you,'' said Kol.

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