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It's morning, and Klaus sends Caroline to her house. She is wearing Klaus's jacket because he clothes had been torn out by Klaus. Klaus give her a goodbye kiss and told her to meet up again at the bar.

When she entered the house, Liz Forbes was shocked to see her with only a jacket on her body.

''What happens to you? You look like a whore,'' said Liz with an angry face.

Caroline doesn't care what her mother said. She went to her room and take a bath. Then she felt something about Klaus. The smell of his jacket and his chest. It's really wonderful.

She went to school after dressing up. Then she met Bonnie and Elana.

''Hey guys, can I have a minute? I want to talk to you about something, ''said Caroline.

''Yes Caroline,'' said Bonnie.

''I found my future husband,'' said Caroline with excitement.

''What? Who is this guy? Is he a vampire?'' asked Elana.

''No, but more than that, ''said Caroline.

''Tell us his name,'' said Bonnie.

''Klaus,''said Caroline.

Elana and Bonnie looked at each other when they heard the name.

''You mean Klaus Mikelson,'' said Bonnie.

''I don't know his family name but he is super hot and I slept with him. He is a romantic person that I have ever met because we had amazing sex in the car beside the graveyard,'' said Caroline with a red cheek.

''What???????????? Are you crazy? Do you know who is Klaus? ''asked Bonnie.

''Why do you know him?'' asked Caroline.

''He is the most dangerous monster on this planet and he is 1000 years old. He killed more than a thousand people. He can easily kill you by snapping your head in a second,'' said Bonnie.

''How do you know so much about him?'' asked Caroline curious.

''My grandma told me,'' said Bonnie

''You should avoid him because maybe he is making use of you and at one point if he felt bored, I'm sure he will kill you,'' said Elana.

''Oh god! I must inform Stefan and Damon that he is in town,'' said Bonnie.

''But, he is very nice to me. He promised me that he won't hurt me,'' said Caroline.

''Don't trust him, he is such a liar. He tried to kill Elana for her blood. He wanted to use her blood to make more hybrids but thank god Damon and Stefan saved her from him. He is such an evil,'' said Bonnie.

''Please stay away from him,'' said Elana.

Caroline was very quiet and she cannot believe whatever she is hearing about Klaus. She told them that she won't be seeing him.

In the evening she went bar in a normal sexy black dress to her knees. She knows Klaus will be at the bar but she ignores him. She didn't turn her head to look at him.

She was busy having her drink and talking to a guy. Klaus was sad and angry with Caroline's behavior. He flashed to her and snapped the head of the guy sitting too close to her.

''Why do you love to kill people?'' shouted Caroline.

Because I don't like to see any guys to be close to you. I will kill them, ''said Klaus with anger face.

''Why?'' asked Caroline. 

''Because you are mine,'' shouted Klaus.

''It's just a one-night stand and nothing more,'' said Caroline with a laugh.

Klaus was sad when he heard that. Klaus pulls her hand and stands closer. Then he kissed her harder.

''Tell me you didn't feel anything for me,'' said Klaus.

Caroline was stunned by his actions. She just stares at his eyes and smelled his breath while touching his face and chest. Klaus touches her hand. His eyes fill with tears.

Caroline could not believe that the most dangerous monster is crying for her. She wiped the tears and kissed him.

''I'm not scared of you,'' said Caroline.

Klaus smiled.

''So you have feelings for me? ''asked Klaus.

''I don't know but you are someone special because no man is obsessed with me as you do,'' said Caroline with a smile.

Klaus kissed her and brought her to his mansion at Mystic Falls.

''Is this your mansion? It has been abandoned many years? ''asked Caroline.

''It's my family's property. We left it and moved to New Orleans,'' said Klaus holding her hand.

''Klaus, can I ask you something?'' asked Caroline

''You can ask me anything, ''said Klaus kissing her neck.

''Are you a monster who killed 1000 people?'' asked Caroline with fear on her face.

Klaus stopped kissing her neck and looked into her eyes.

''Yes, because we are vampires and lived many years. I have many enemies in my life. Soon you will understand when you live longer,'' said Klaus.

''Did you ever try to kill my friend Elana?'' asked Caroline.

''Yes, I need her blood to make more Hybrids but I stopped because..............said,'' Klaus.

''Why you stopped?''asked Caroline.

''Because I was in love with a girl that becomes blind because of my stupid actions,'' said Klaus with a sad face.

''So what happened to that girl, ''asked Caroline.

''She left me,'' said Klaus looking at Caroline's face.

''You and I are in the same shoes. I love Tyler but he left me,'' said Caroline.

Klaus knows about Tyler so he didn't ask. He stands closer to Caroline and stares into her eyes.

''Why do you love to see my eyes?'' asked Caroline.

''Because it's so beautiful, ''said Klaus.

Caroline smiled and her cheek turns red.

Klaus and Caroline move closer to their lips and kissed. They kissed harder.

I wanted to be gentle, she whispered into his ears. He knows what she wanted and brought her to his room. He lays her on the bed with a naked body and the same goes for him. They had so many rounds and slept cuddling each other.

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