♡ Mine ♡

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The next morning, Seokjin slowly awakens to the persistent and obnoxious banging on his bedroom door.

He squints his eyes, trying to discern the source of the noise, and then heaves a tired sigh as he recognizes his mother's voice.

She's yelling, "Jungkook?! Where is that kid? Left all the chores yesterday and is not even waking up today as well. What does he think he is? Open the door!"

Seokjin groans softly, feeling irritation build within him at the early-morning disruption.

He responds to his mother's demands, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance, "Mom! We'll be right there in a few minutes." His words are firm, a signal for her to cease the incessant banging.

Thankfully, the banging subsides as his mother's voice recedes, leaving Seokjin in momentary peace.

He shifts in his bed, rubbing away the remnants of sleep from his eyes. But then, a growing sense of unease gnaws at him, and he realizes that Jungkook is nowhere to be seen.

Panic begins to creep into Seokjin's mind as he frantically scans the room. The empty space on the bed, where Jungkook had slept, is the first indication that something might be wrong.

He rubs his hands over his face, struggling to shake off the remnants of sleep clouding his mind.

Worry now fully consumes him, and he investigates the room more intensely, his gaze dropping to the floor, and a jolt of alarm courses through him.

There, curled up on the floor like a fragile cocoon, lies Jungkook. His face contorted in pain, Jungkook clutches his fists tightly to his chest, clearly in distress.

As Seokjin rushes to Jungkook's side and attempts to wake him, he realizes that Jungkook doesn't respond to his touch or call.

Concern deepens as he senses the burning heat radiating from Jungkook's skin, and the realization that Jungkook has a fever sends him into a momentary panic.

He carefully lifts Jungkook from the floor and gently places him on the bed, quickly covering him with a duvet.

Desperation drives Seokjin to shake Jungkook vigorously, trying to rouse him from his deep slumber but the latter doesn't wakes up. Panic surges as he reaches out for the glass of water on the table with shaky hands and sprinkles it on Jungkook's face.

Jungkook's eyes flutter open slowly, struggling against the grip of fever and exhaustion.

As he awakens, he's met with the sight of Seokjin's worried face hovering over him. Worried and scared as Jungkook regained consciousness, he sat up immediately, his voice filled with concern and fear, "Yeobo? Is everything okay? You look-"

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