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Seokjin was engrossed in his work in the office when his senior summoned him to his cabin.

Intrigued by the unusual summons, Seokjin complied, heading to the cabin with a sense of unease. When he entered the room, his eyes widened in shock as he saw his father, Mr. Kim, sitting there, wearing a stern expression.

Despite his anger, Seokjin knew he needed to maintain his composure in a professional setting, so he greeted his father with a nod.

Mr. Kim ordered his senior to leave the room, a command that was quickly obeyed due to the elder Kim's influential status.

Left alone, Mr. Kim got straight to the point. "Seokjin, you need to come back home. Our family's reputation, the business, it's all at stake."

However, Seokjin was resolute. He calmly but firmly stated "Father, you've crossed all limits of disrespect towards my husband and me. I won't tolerate that anymore."

Mr. Kim, realizing the severity of his actions, expressed his readiness to apologize to Jungkook for the violence he had inflicted upon him.

He tried to reason, "I'm ready to apologize to Jungkook for my actions. But Seokjin, you need to understand the bigger picture. The company, our legacy, it's all on the line."

However, Seokjin was resolute. "The day you put your hands on Jungkook was the last day you saw him. I won't let you see my husband or our future child."

Desperation gripped Mr. Kim as he attempted to reason with Seokjin.

He mentioned the potential losses the company might face without Seokjin's involvement and highlighted his own aging, suggesting that Jimin was still too young to handle everything.

But Seokjin remained resolute, declaring that he no longer wished to have any contact with his father.

Mr. Kim couldn't help but let his emotions show. "Seokjin, I can't imagine not being a part of my grandchild's life. It's something I've always dreamed of."

Seokjin's expression softened briefly, but he remained resolute. "I understand your feelings, but I can't let you see our child after everything that's happened."

Mr. Kim's face showed a mix of sadness and desperation as he watched his son's unshakable determination, leaving him to grapple with the consequences of his actions.

Seokjin shook his head, his voice firm. "I don't want to talk to you anymore, Father."

He turned and left the room, leaving Mr. Kim stressed and guilt-ridden over his actions and their consequences.


As Jungkook and Seokjin strolled through their neighborhood, Jungkook couldn't contain his excitement, knowing that they were about to enjoy their favorite ice cream.

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