♡ Now ♡

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Jungkook knelt in the backyard, the coarse bristles of the broom scraping gently against the dew-kissed grass. It was a task he performed diligently every morning, clearing away the remnants of nature's nightly dance. His solitude in the garden was a familiar companion, a place of solace amidst the trials of his life.

As he cleaned the backyard, the distant sound of laughter and carefree chatter reached his ears. He paused, the broom still in his hand, and turned his gaze towards the source of the merriment. A group of teenagers, their faces aglow with a youthful aura, had gathered just outside the garden fence.

They sat on a weathered wooden bench, sharing stories and indulging in the simple pleasure of ice cream on a warm, sunny day. The colorful cones in their hands, vibrant and tempting, held a promise of delight that seemed just out of Jungkook's reach.

Jungkook watched them with yearning eyes, his heart heavy with a longing he had carried for as long as he could remember.

To him, the sight of friends laughing together, sharing moments of joy, was a distant dream, an experience he had never known. His days were filled with chores, loneliness, and the weight of his uncle's and aunt's cruelty, leaving no room for the simple pleasures of youth.

The aroma of the ice cream wafted on the breeze, tantalizing his senses and causing his stomach to grumble softly. He knew better than to ask his guardians for a treat; such requests were met with stern scolding and reminders of his place in their home.

As he watched the teenagers, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a profound sense of isolation. He yearned for the warmth of friendship, the sweetness of companionship, and the simple joy of sharing an ice cream on a sunny day.

But in the shadow of his responsibilities and the harshness of his guardians, such simple joys remained elusive, distant stars in a dark and lonely sky.

Jungkook's thoughts was abruptly interrupted by the soft sound of footsteps drawing nearer. He quickly blinked away the melancholy that had clouded his eyes and resumed his cleaning duties, not wanting his uncle or aunt to find him idle.

The approaching footsteps grew louder, and he could feel a presence lingering at the garden's edge. He continued to sweep, his movements precise and methodical, as he desperately hoped that he wouldn't be scolded for daydreaming. The thought of facing their wrath filled him with anxiety.

It had been months since he had went out beyond the garden gate. The outside world had become a distant memory, a realm of freedom and possibilities he was forbidden to explore.

While his cousin Haneul was granted the privilege to roam and experience the world, Jungkook's existence had become confined to the four walls of the house and the solitary tasks assigned to him.

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