♡ You ♡

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Two months had passed since Jungkook and Seokjin's marriage, and their relationship had been an intricate dance of emotions.

While they had made some progress in understanding and accommodating each other, certain barriers remained unspoken, preventing them from fully embracing their newfound connection. Among these unspoken matters, Jungkook's sleeping arrangements stood out.

The elder always came home tired and slept before Jungkook did all his household chores so he never really noticed where Jungkook would sleep.

Jungkook's days were now a ceaseless blur of chores and servitude. He singlehandedly shouldered the burden of the vast mansion's upkeep, a task that should have been shared among several servants.

His fragile frame weakened further, and his once youthful appearance became increasingly gaunt. His clothes hung loosely from his frail form, and dark circles haunted the hollows beneath his eyes.

His health deteriorated at an alarming rate. He suffered from exhaustion, frequent bouts of dizziness, and even occasional fainting spells. Yet, he remained determined to fulfill his responsibilities, despite the toll it took on his body.

Jimin watched with growing concern as Jungkook's condition worsened. He knew the toll these relentless household duties were taking on Jungkook, but he felt powerless to intervene.

Jimin deeply respected his mother, Soo Yun, and was reluctant to defy her wishes. Thus, he could only offer silent support to the fragile figure who had unwittingly become entangled in the complex web of their family's expectations and traditions.

Seokjin did notice Jungkook's deteriorating health, but he attributed it to his young spouse struggling to adjust to the opulent lifestyle of the Kim family. He believed that with time, Jungkook would grow accustomed to their way of life and the workload would become more manageable.

As time passed, Seokjin's genuine fondness for Jungkook became evident in subtle ways. He'd occasionally plant affectionate pecks on Jungkook's soft cheeks, his eyes filled with a warmth that the younger man had never experienced before.

Seokjin would also steal moments to watch Jungkook while he performed his chores around the mansion. Yet, there remained a hesitancy, an unspoken tension that neither dared to address.

However, he continuously reminded himself that Jungkook is temporary in his life so he shouldn't be caring about him that much since he's there just to give birth to a child.

In the midst of this, a pressing issue loomed within the Kim family.

Seokjin's father persistently inquired about the absence of an heir. He questioned why, after two months of marriage, Jungkook had not yet conceived and boasted about how huge amount he paid to his uncle to get Jungkook.

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