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The golden rays of the early morning sun gently spilled into the room, casting a warm and serene glow. In this tranquil moment, Seokjin lay awake, propped up on one elbow as he gazed down at the peacefully slumbering form of his husband.

They had spent the night entwined in each other's arms, cuddling like two puzzle pieces finally finding their perfect fit.

Seokjin's heart swelled with a mixture of contentment and affection as he watched Jungkook's chest rise and fall with each tranquil breath.

It had been a week since their romantic date at the aquarium and the heartfelt conversation over wine.

Seokjin couldn't deny it any longer; he had fallen head over heels for Jungkook. The realization had hit him like a ton of bricks, but now, in the quiet hours of the morning, he had come to terms with his feelings.

He couldn't imagine his life without Jungkook in it.

A tender smile curved Seokjin's lips as he reached out to gently brush a few stray strands of hair from Jungkook's forehead. The younger stirred slightly but remained deep in slumber.

Seokjin's hand then trailed down to cup Jungkook's cheek, his thumb caressing the soft skin. He was overwhelmed by the need to protect this precious soul that had entered his life.

Leaning down, Seokjin pressed a loving kiss to Jungkook's temple, silently promising to himself and to the sleeping figure that he would do whatever it took to keep them together.

His voice was a soft whisper, barely audible in the hushed morning air. "I love you, darling," he murmured, as if the act of saying it aloud gave strength to his commitment. "I promise to protect you, always."

With that, Seokjin settled back down, pulling Jungkook closer into his embrace. He knew there would be challenges ahead, but he was willing to face them head-on.


Jungkook slowly stirred from his slumber, the first rays of sunlight filtering into the room. As he stretched his body lazily, he became aware of the warm, comforting presence wrapped around him.

Turning slightly, he found Seokjin cuddled up against him, gazing at him with a look of utter adoration. A soft blush colored Jungkook's cheeks as he squirmed a bit under Seokjin's intense stare.

Seokjin, sensing Jungkook's discomfort, tried to turn him gently to face him, but Jungkook resisted and turned his back towards Seokjin instead.

Seokjin frowned, concerned that he might have done something to upset his husband. He reached out and lightly patted Jungkook's baby-soft cheek, his voice filled with worry. "Darling, did I do something wrong? Please tell me."

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