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As Seokjin settled down beside him, their bodies nearly touching, the intensity of the moment grew. Seokjin's hand moved slowly, almost hesitantly, until it found Jungkook's hand. Their fingers interlocked, the touch sending shivers down Jungkook's spine.

In that delicate moment, Seokjin leaned in, his lips brushing against Jungkook's in a gentle, lingering kiss.

Time seemed to stand still as they shared that intimate moment in the soft press of their lips.

Jungkook closed his eyes and his hands formed into tiny fists as he tried to kiss back as efficiently as possible.

Butterflies erupted in his stomach, it was his first kiss, and he was glad that it was his husband.

With their lips parting from the tender kiss, Seokjin's gaze remained locked with Jungkook's as he gently guided his husband backwards onto the bed.

Seokjin's touch was cautious and reverent, his fingers trailing lightly along Jungkook's arm as he laid him down.

Jungkook laid down as he stared at the elder with his big innocent eyes. Taking sharp breaths, body stiffening due to foreign feeling of being touched this way.

However, as Seokjin's hands continued their descent, skimming over Jungkook's torso and lower, he couldn't help but notice the stiffness that had taken hold of his husband's body.

Jungkook's muscles seemed to have tensed like a rock, his anxiety palpable in the rigidity of his posture.

Seokjin, ever the considerate partner, recognized the need for patience and understanding in this moment. He knew that Jungkook was venturing into uncharted territory, driven by the desire to fulfill his husbandly duties and the expectations placed upon him.

Calmly and reassuringly, Seokjin spoke to Jungkook, his voice a soothing presence in the room.

"Jungkook, it's okay," he murmured, his words filled with gentle encouragement. "Remember, this is what you asked for. There's no rush. Take deep breaths and try to relax."

Jungkook, his eyes reflecting his vulnerability, nodded in response. He closed his eyes briefly and took slow, deliberate breaths, allowing himself to focus on the rhythm of inhaling and exhaling.

With each breath, the tension in his body began to ease, and he felt himself gradually relaxing in the moment.

Seokjin's presence and understanding were reassuring, providing Jungkook with the comfort and support he needed in this unfamiliar moment.

After some moments, Seokjin opened his shirt and put it aside while Jungkook looked away being coy. As Seokjin proceeded to hover above the younger, shirtless, Jungkook's cheek flushed a deep shade of crimson as he tried to dart his eyes towards the elder.

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