♡ Entwined ♡

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A/n- Couldn't update because of Festivals going on in my country. I'm really sorry for keeping you guys hanging.

Here's your update.




Jungkook hunched over the toilet seat in the bathroom, his face pale and sweaty. He felt nauseous, and every retch was a painful reminder of his condition.

Seokjin sat beside him, rubbing his back soothingly as Jungkook vomited.

Jungkook's struggle with morning sickness and other pregnancy symptoms had taken a toll on him. Each day seemed like a battle, and he felt weaker and more fatigued as time passed.

His aversion to food, sensitivity to smells, and constant nausea had made even the simplest tasks feel insurmountable.

Jungkook sat on the bathroom floor, his back against the wall, and Seokjin right there with him. Jungkook's eyes were heavy, his strength drained. He had been experiencing these symptoms for days now, and it was taking a toll on his well-being.

Seokjin had been busy searching for a job during the past week, and he couldn't help but feel like he had let Jungkook down.

He regretted not being there to support him during this tough phase of his pregnancy. Seokjin's concerns grew as he realized the gravity of the situation. It was high time to consult the doctor about Jungkook's condition.

Gently, Seokjin helped Jungkook get ready to go to the doctor. He knew that Jungkook was barely managing to stay awake and alert.

His sleepy eyes and weakened state tugged at Seokjin's heart, filling him with guilt and determination to ensure Jungkook's well-being.

After carefully washing Jungkook's face and changing his clothes, Seokjin lifted him into his arms. Jungkook leaned against Seokjin's chest, finding comfort in his husband's embrace despite his discomfort.

They headed out of their apartment and into the building's parking lot.

Jungkook's eyes drooped, and his body felt heavy. Seokjin placed him in the car with utmost care. He knew it was his responsibility to look after Jungkook and ensure his well-being.

Seokjin drove to the doctor's office, his concern growing with each passing moment. He couldn't bear to see Jungkook in such a condition, and he was determined to make things right.

This doctor's appointment marked the first step in taking better care of his husband during the challenging pregnancy.


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