♡ Yours ♡

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: Past Trauma & Mentions of Suic!dal Thoughts.⚠️


// Skip if uncomfortable //



Seokjin returned home in the evening, his heart brimming with excitement and the anticipation of showing Jungkook the gift he had bought.

As he stepped into the living room, he was surprised to find it empty. The absence of anyone made him slightly puzzled.

He started heading upstairs, patting the ring box in his pocket. His thoughts were consumed by the joy he hoped to see on Jungkook's face when he presented the ring.

It was a symbol of his love and commitment, a promise that he intended to keep.

However, just as he was about to make his way to their room, Soo Yun emerged from her room and intercepted him.

She introduced him to Min Hee and Aera, her tone laced with forced enthusiasm. "Seokjin, there you are! I want you to meet my friend Min Hee and her daughter Aera."

He greeted them politely, though his mind was preoccupied with the surprise he had planned for Jungkook.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Likewise, Seokjin." Min Hee replied as she admired Seokjin's figure. He looked like a perfect match for Aera.

"Seokjin, Aera is such a charming young woman. She and you would look wonderful together, don't you think?" Soo Yun spoke with a sly smile on her lips.

"Thank you, Mom, but I'm quite tired. I should go rest." Seokjin spoke with forced politeness, getting annoyed at his mother.

The ladies engaged in conversation, discussing matters that held no interest for Seokjin.

They spoke of nonsensical things, including how Aera and Seokjin might look good together, a notion that irritated him. He couldn't wait to escape their chatter and share his happiness with Jungkook.

After enduring the conversation for a while, Seokjin seized an opportunity to excuse himself, citing tiredness as the reason.

He had to see Jungkook, and he couldn't contain his excitement any longer. With a polite smile, he left the company of the ladies and headed towards his and Jungkook's room.


Seokjin's heart raced as he entered the dark room, calling out for Jungkook. His voice quivered with a mix of anxiety and fear at the aura of his room. "Jungkook? Are you here?"

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