Supporting you was our promise. ~ Chapter 8

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It's all a blur.

He doesn't remember anything.

Can he open his eyes? Who is he?

Tommy? Who's Tommy?

He is. Is he?

He doesn't know.


"I'm Asexual Aromantic."



Yuki/(a)Yukiiret (<-- the author's channel needed to self promote smh)

LMAO Tommy's not the cligny one WILBUR IS!!

QuexySoul/(a)Quexysus (<-- Also the author's channel)

Hi follow me on bcz im cool (the author needs to self promote smh)


Wilbur. Wilbur. 

Hear me out: how about you stream, PLEASE


i'M probably gay to be fair/(a)TheBicycle

wait????? Wilbur uses neos??? HOW COME I ONLY NOTICE NOW???








"I'm proud of you Tommy."

were the first words Tommy heard after a few minutes of silence.

Tommy just started sobbing.

"Oh my child." Mother innit said, going closer to her child and hugging him.

"I can't imagine how hard it must've been." Father Innit exclaims, going closer to Tommy and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"So hard! And the people- they think i hate aromantic people- and- and-" Tommy barely manages to get out.

He was so tired of this.

"shhh, Tommy it's gonna be fine." Mother Innit reassures, "I promised to support you. And i'm doing just that. You don't have to worry about anything anymore."

I just can't. || Aro-ace Tommy ~ TELL ME WHY.Where stories live. Discover now