Prologue 💔

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Keeping the pyre as a witness, a couple was taking seven pheras hand in hand. They took a vow with each round.

Him: I promise to love you till my last breath.

Her: I promise to never leave your side. To be with you. Through the ups and downs. The good, the bad and the ugly.


Him: I'm really sorry, It was just a drunk mistake. Please forget about it. We can't ruin our marriage just because of a stupid mistake. Why can't you fucking understand? It's as simple as that.
He said yelling.

Her: It might be simple for you but for me it's not. Please leave me alone.
She said zipping up her luggage.

Him: But you can't just leave me. I promise I'll never repeat it. Not just that I promise get drunk again either just stay with me.

Her: I'm NOT leaving you. But I'm not staying here either. I need time to decide. Please let me spend some time alone. Don't make things harder for me. You already did enough.


Him: But... but you promised you'll never leave me.
He said crying.

Her: You shouldn't be the only one allowed to break promises.
Saying this she left him alone for the rest of his life but this time he didn't stop her. Somewhere in his heart he knew he was the reason behind all this.


Mistakes. We all make them. In every step of our life. But why is it still so hard to forgive? Because you can only forgive those who committed mistakes but what about those who did it intentionally? Would it still be a mistake? You can forgive once. Or maybe twice. But what about the third time?

Every person has a bursting point. We are all humans after all. We can only take so much. After a certain point we all fall apart and so did she. Is this a misunderstanding? Is she over reacting? Is he really the reason? Will she be able to forgive and forget? What exactly went wrong? Who is to be blamed?. Only one way to find out.

This story is about making mistakes, breaking promises. Breaking a heart and fixing the pieces. Falling apart and then picking up. Holding on but again letting go. Follow a married couple on their journey of "Love: Peace or Pain?". From their very first meet to the last one.

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