4. Lonely But Not Alone

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Harshita's pov:

I poured my coffee in a glass and took it to my bedroom. After tying my hair and wearing my glasses I took my pen once again. Continuing the story.

"To the world the princess was the happiest girl in the world being surrounded by everyone's love and respect, living a life of luxury. She was living a life of everyone's dream. People often asked each other what's one thing that she could possibly lacked but no one had an answer except for the princess herself. If someone would ask her the same question she could make a never ending list of things that even she didn't have but no one asked. No one. They only made an assumption. They judged her by the life she pretended to live. No one saw the pain she was enduring. The tears she was shedding. All she wanted was a friend. Someone she could trust. Someone she could be her true self with. Someone she could rely on. Someone who would notice her tear. A hand to hold on to. A soul to love. She didn't want a prince to save her. She needed a friend to understand her.

She was surrounded by people. People who loved her. But she failed to love them back. Even in the midst of a crowd she was still on her own. She used to think You don't have to be alone to be lonely.

She had everything yet nothing. She had everyone yet no one. To the world she was a Princess living her life but to herself she was just another girl who was dying on the inside while pretending to live. She was drowning but couldn't scream, fearing someone would hear. She was being stabbed but couldn't bleed, fearing someone would see her.

She was supposed to be happy but she had struggles of her own. She was weak. She was broken. She was hurt. She was lonely. With no one to help. No one."

I stopped there. I couldn't write anymore. My own words were hurting me.

Darshan's pov:

I was running late to class. Not that I cared but still. I don't want to listen to the teacher's taunts. I don't understand their life. They get paid for torturing kids and they are proud and over here my father is ashamed cause I want to be a Musician. Hadh hain. By now I was in the corridor and that is when I met Ms. Khadus heading to her class being stressed.

Darshan: Oh wow. Look who's lay to class for the very first time. Ms. Topper herself. This is a miracle. I'm so lucky to witness this. Gotta write it down in my diary to brag to my future kids about the 8 wonders of the world that I've seen. Starting with this.

Harshita: Pls yaar. I'm not in a mood.

Darshan: Kyu? Wasted all your energy arguing with your boyfriend? Or doing something else with him 👀 You know what I mean.

Harshita: Shut up. I don't have a boyfriend and all and even if I did I wouldn't talk about him with someone like you. It's just that I'm running late cause I fell and scratched my knees. And why are you talking to me anyways? I thought you hated talking.

Darshan: Wow so you remembered but still bothered me all the time.
She was about to say something but I cut her off.

Darshan: We've reached the class.

They both: Sir may I come in?
He checked his clock. Abhi shuru hoge inke taane.

Professor: Class started 20 minutes ago. What is even the point of coming. Go and continue whatever you were doing. Waise bhi class mein ap logo ka interest hi kaha hain.

Darshan: Sir it wasn't intentional. We will never repeat this again.

Professor: Mr. Darshan I'm not as stupid as you think. I know very well that this is a everyday thing for you. But Ms. Pandya, I didn't expect this from you.

Harshita: Sir it wasn't his fault. I scratched my knees and he got late for helping me.
What is she even saying. Is she out of her mind.

Professor: Fine but I'm warning you. This shouldn't happen a second time. And you too Darshan. Now stop staring at me and come in.

Harshita's pov:

The class is over. I left the classroom heading towards the library.

Darshan: Hey Hershey why did you help me?
He said running behind me.

Harshita: What did you just call me?
I said turning around.

Darshan: Hershey. Like the chocolate.

Harshita: I know that but why?

Darshan: Cause you were being sweet today. Kyu? Pasand nhi aya? It's okay then. I have many other options. Khadus, Chatterbox, blabbermouth, Ms. Bak ba-

Harshita: Stop. Hershey is better.
I said cutting him off. He smiled. I'm being serious. He actually smiled. This is the first time I've seen him smile.

Darshan: Okay but you didn't answer me. Why were you being nice to me? Is this some kind of plan? Please madam apki Maya jal mein mujhe Bali ka Bakhra mat banaiye.
I laughed.

Harshita: Oh god. Tum kuch bhi bolte rehte ho. I helped you just cause I'd feel bad to see you get scolded while he would let me go. It's as simple as that.

Darshan: Why? Have you started to fall for me?
He raised his eyebrows teasingly.

Harshita: Yuck. I'd rather die. It was just because I am a human and that's what a person with humanity do. They help each other out. Unlike some people. You know what I mean.
I said winking.

Darshan: Oh wow. I didn't know you had a heart too.

Harshita: There's so much you don't know Mr. Raval.
I said trying to hide the seriousness in my voice. Thankfully he didn't realise what I meant and laughed it off.

Darshan: Waise... I'm sorry for the way I behaved.

Harshita: It's okay. Let's end it here. These sorrys are getting annoying now. Just forget about it.
He smiled again. For some reason I felt like I was getting a glimpse of an undiscovered side of him. Who knows. Maybe he is going through the same things as me.

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