1. Wanting to Be Understood

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Harshita's pov:

I sat in the library for hours completing my "group" project all by myself. Why? Because my professor thought it would be a good idea to group me up with the not so friendly guy in school. Okay I understand I'm a chatterbox. I like to talk. A lot. And I admit that I've interrupted his lectures with my never ending questions. It is understandable of him to hate me but not to an extent to punish me like this. What even made him think this is a good idea. I tried to start a conversation with Darshan Aka my partner in this project multiple times and he treated me like some kind of ghost. Like he couldn't see me at all. I gave up and finished the entire project on my own. But.. as a part of a group you gotta get the other person's opinion right? I guess he's rude but that doesn't mean I have to be rude too. Who knows. Maybe he'll learn something from me. I know I'll be a good influence. I laugh at my thoughts.

Closing my laptop, I carry it with myself trying to find him. I checked out the library, cafeteria, corridors, empty classrooms but he is no where to be found. I sighed and decided to get some fresh air outside. And guess what? I've wasted my precious time and energy looking for him in the entire building while he was there right in front of it in the freaking ground. Why am I so stupid? Ugh. I walked upto him and tapped on his shoulder. He turned his head still sitting with his guitar on his lap.

Darshan: What?
Wow. The audacity to show attitude after making me do his work.

Harshita: In case no one told you. If someone approaches you, you greet them. Maybe next time I walk up to you consider saying hello.

Darshan: Stop lecturing. Just tell me what you want. I don't have time for your drama.

Harshita: Yeah I can see how busy you are.
I said in a mocking tone.

Darshan: Are you even gonna say it? Or will you just stand there mocking me for playing my own guitar?

Harshita: I just wanted you to see the project that WE were supposed to make TOGETHER.

Darshan: And why do you want me to check it? Are you that insecure about yourself? You're a topper you should be good at this or at least better than someone like me.

Harshita: I'm so sorry that no one ever told you what group project means. It's a project undertaken by two or more group members.

Darshan: Do I look like I'm asking for a living dictionary? I don't think I do. At least not one as annoying as you.

Harshita: Oh honey. I know it's hard to admit. No matter how much you try to hide. You can't change the fact that you're stupid.

Darshan: What made you think I'm stupid Ms. female version of Talking Tom.

Harshita: The fact that you don't even know Talking Angela is a thing. Whatever, I wanted you to see it because as much as I hate to admit it, we are a group and that is how groups work.

Darshan: First of all, I would rather jump off a cliff than be your partner. And second, I couldn't care less about grades so just submit it yourself.

Harshita: We'll too bad. You should say that to your professor or should I say your dad? Mr. Darshan Raval.

Darshan: How did you find out?
He said with an angry look.

Harshita: Ask you father. I think he can answer better. Considering how angry you got hearing this, I think he should've informed you before announcing about you to the entire class.

Darshan: He told the entire class?

Harshita: Yeah, every single person present there knew and now I'm pretty sure even the people who weren't there has found out. Can't you see the bullies staring at you?
He looked around. He just realised that he wasn't really as alone as he thought. Our classmates were staring at us. Or should I say him? But to be honest they do deserve some praise for not making it too obvious. I grinned at Darshan and left from there.

Darshan's pov:

As soon as Harshita left, A group of bullies came up to me. They all seemed scared. This was the first time this happened. Usually they are busy making fun of others specially me.

Bully 1: Hey Darshan we're sorry.

Bully 2: We shouldn't have bullied you. I swear we are really guilty. Please forgive me.
This is weird. Something is wrong with them. I just nod to ignore any conversation.

Bully 3: We had no clue.
Okay. Now I'm interested about the sudden change of heart.

Darshan: What do you mean?

Bully 1: Professor Raval told us about your relation. We had no clue. Please don't tell him.

Bully 2: Please don't ask him to lower our grades.
Now it made sense. They were worried about their grades not my feelings. What did I even expect? That's the way of the world. Why would someone ever care about my feelings? The only person who ever cared about me has also left me. I left the place without saying anything.

Bully 3: Hey wait. Is that a yes? No?
I didn't care to answer.

I came back to my place. This is where I feel peaceful. But this time it didn't work. Even the quietness on the room didn't bring me peace. The room was empty. Just like my life. But it wasn't really their fault that they hurt me. It wasn't them. It was me who allowed myself to get hurt. I shouldn't have let myself get carried away. For a second I thought they were genuinely sorry. I really did. This isn't the first time this has happened. I keep getting my hopes up for no reason. But all I get is disappointment.

I want someone. No I need someone. Not just a person. But the person. Who understands me. Who doesn't judge me like everyone else. I know no one can take away all my pain but that's not what I want either. I just want someone to be with me by my side as I heal. All I need is just someone's presence. Just someone who can listen to me. But everytime I try to open up they just judge me for my feelings. Apparently it's not manly of me to have feelings, to get hurt. For instance, look at my dad. He doesn't give a shit about my feelings. All he cares about is himself. He would make me do anything just because that's what he wants. If my own dad can't understand me then how could I expect anything from the kids in college? That's why I never choose to blend in with them. I knew I'd end up being someone else cause no one would ever accept me the way I am. The only person that loved me regardless of all my flaws isn't even with me anymore. I miss her. More than anything.

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