2. Fake It Till You Make It

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Harshita's pov:

I took my pen and continued my story that I started a while ago.

"Once there was a princess. When she was just a kid, her father passed away in a war fighting for his kingdom. Her mother knew that if there's anything the king loved as much as his family or maybe even more then it would be his land. The land he was born in. The land where he grew up and where he took his last breath. Knowing the love of the king for his kingdom, his wife decided took the throne after his death. She knew with the throne there came huge responsibilities. But she's a Queen. She's strong. She believed. She achieved. But shouldn't that mean that the Princess will be just as strong as her family? Her father was a martyr. Her mother was a fighter. She had royal blood flowing in her body. Yet nothing could exaggerate her weakness. She knew she was supposed to be strong. Her mother always taught her to be strong but there's one thing she forgot to mention. How would she overcome her weakness? In her head she drew a perfect portrait of her mother. One that had no flaws. No weakness. She wanted to live upto her mother. She wanted to make her proud. Most important, she wanted to appear strong. "Fake it till you make it" is what she decided to do so she concealed. Until she couldn't.

She was young and naive. She didn't know that bottling your emotions won't make them disappear. No matter how much you pretend not to see it. It's still there. Waiting to come out."

Mumma called me. I stopped writing. Before going to the dinner table I looked in the mirror and told myself "Fake it till you make it."

Darshan's pov:

I spent the entire day in my bedroom with my guitar humming songs. This is the only way I can express my feelings. I heard a quote once "Where words fails, music speaks." and I couldn't agreee more.

We are all heartbroken. At some point in our life, we all broke. No matter how hard you try, there's always gonna be a scar. But hurting isn't even the real war. The real war is actually healing. Believe it or not, healing is the hardest part of life. How do I learn to live again? How do I believe again?

No matter how much I try, I can't forget everything. I am supposed to live with this pain but instead it's suffocating me. Every second I feel like dying.

I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." I said to my father.

D/D: Darshu, please come and eat. You haven't had anything the entire day. Why are you hurting yourself?

Darshan: Why am I hurting me? Huh?
I scoff.

Darshan: What are YOU hurting me? Did I ask you to to tell the entire school about me? I don't want your pity. I don't need it. Just leave me alone. Why can't you just understand? First you would force Maa to do everything that YOU wanted and now you're doing the same thing to me. Why can't I decide what I wear, What I eat, What I feel? You didn't even let me be a musician cause that's not what you wanted to be growing up. I wish Maa was here. She wouldn't let you do this to me.

D/D: Darshan I know I'm a bad parent. But I'm trying my best. Whatever I do is only for you. I didn't ask you to be a doctor for me. I'm just afraid to see you fail. Just like any other father, I want my son to be successful. I don't want to hurt you. I never did.

Darshan: Oh please. I know you only care about your feeling. You want to hurt me. I enrolled in medical school without any argument. There's only one thing I wanted. Peace. I wanted to be by myself. You wouldn't let me be alone while I'm in the house and now not even when I'm outside. I just need space. Is it too much to ask for?
He bowed his head. He left the room without meeting my gaze.

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