7. Fear

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Harshita's pov:

"Fear: The worst enemy of human. It's the fear of falling that stops us from flying. The fear of drowning that stops us from swimming. The fear of losing that stops us from winning. It's the fear that holds us back. We all have fears. Some fears to be themselves. Some fear to lose themselves. Some fear the journey while some fears the outcome. At the end, we are all fighting our own fears everyday. What is life but a war? But doesn't that make us all warriors? Or does it make us worriers? Who knows? Maybe we are a combination of both.

When a person loses a war with someone else we call it bravery but how come when the war is with themselves we call it fear? Is it really as bad as we make it seem?

Just like everyone else she had fears too. She fought her fears everyday. She fought. With everything she had. Yet no one ever told her "You're doing great. Keep fighting. You'll do it. You have to." All she ever got was "Try a little harder." The more she pushed through, the more the pressure increased. The more she tried to please them, the more they became disappointed. Everytime she asked for help, they called her a worrier but they failed to see the warrior within her. She wished she had somebody to tell her she's doing just fine but it only remained a wish. Is this all it will ever be? Will she ever find someone? Will she ever find herself? She had so many unanswered questions. Who knows? Maybe she will find the answers with time."

I stopped typing on my phone when I heard the door open. Darshan came back with food while I stayed in the hospital next to her lifeless body laying on the hospital bed. It has been a week since the accident and there isn't any improvement till now. Everyone kept giving me false hopes as if it would change anything. Their words won't make things normal even if I wished it would. All that I had left was regret. Regret of leaving the house, without her. Regret of letting her drive, without me. I wish I was the one laying on the hospital bed and not her. I wish life was written in a way that we could erase our deeds the same way an eraser erases the words written by pencils. If only life was that easy.

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