5. Undiscovered Side

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Darshan's pov:

We are both in the cafeteria having our lunch. By we I mean me and Harshita. I know it's unexpected. It's not usual of the "rude" guy of college to have lunch with the nicest girl here. I broke my own promise but is it really my fault? I don't think so. I'm not changing. I'm opening up. I've always been like this it's just that I've never shown this side of me but after meeting Harshita it feels like her company brings out the undiscovered side of mine. The kind, talkative, friendly side. I guess making friends isn't bad afterall. Wait a sec... what did I just say? Friends? Are we really friends? We never talked about this. But then again, it has only been a few hours since we started to talk properly. Is it too early to ask her to be my friend? What if she thinks I'm crazy? Kya yaar Darshan why would she call you crazy? You're asking her to be your friend not your wife. Just do it.

Darshan: Harshita.

Harshita: Haan?
She said moving her focus from her sandwich to me.

Darshan: Actually I was wonderful if-
My voice got cut off by her ringtone.

Harshita: I'm sorry. I'll be back.
She got up saying this. I smiled assuring her it's okay. She went to an empty corner. I could see her talk from here. She seemed tense. I wonder what she's talking about. Did something happen? She soon cut the call and came back.

Harshita: Darshan I'm really sorry but I have to leave now. Actually my mom met an accident. I need to go to the hospital right now. Otherwise it might be too late.
She said trying her best to hold back her tears.

Darshan: I'll drive you there.

Harshita: It's okay. You don't-

Darshan: I didn't ask you. I informed you. Come with me.
I said cutting her off. I held her hand taking her to my car. She didn't fight back. As much as she hates to seek my help she knows she doesn't have time to find an auto. We drove to the hospital. The entire ride she was trying to hold back her tears.

Harshita's pov:

Doctor: Ms. Pandya your mother got severe injury in her spinal cord. If not treated immediately it can lead to death. She needs to be operated before it's too late.
This can't be happening. I can't lose her.

Harshita: Then why didn't you start the surgery yet? What are you waiting for?

Doctor: Ms. Pandya. I'm sorry but we can't start the surgery before the payment is done.

Harshita: How much is it?

Doctor: 5 lac.
No. No. No. Hiw will I arrange the money? How will I save her? Is this the end?

Harshita: But there must be some way right? Can I do the payment after the surgery? You can't let her die. You're a doctor. Patient's life should be your first priority. Not the money.
I regret saying each and every word as soon as it left my mouth.

Doctor: I'm sorry mam but there's nothing I can do. I can't save her.

Darshan: You will save her. I'll do the payment. Show me the way.
He finally spoke. The doctor showed him the way and he followed him. They both disappeared. "This is wrong. He can't pay for the surgery. Just cause he's rich, it doesn't mean he owes me anything." My mind spoke. But I kept quiet. This is the only way to save her. I can't just fight someone who's trying to help me while my mother is fighting death. They both came back. No one spoke a word. I saw the doctor entering the OT. The door opened and then closed giving me a glimpse of my mom covered in blood. The light on top of the door turned bright red, the colour of her blood. This was enough to make me breakdown right there.

Suddenly my leg felt heavy. I fell on the floor. Tears started to flow from my eyes.

Darshan's pov:

She sat in the floor. The smile on her face was gone. She looked broken. She felt vulnerable. She wasn't the strong Harshita I knew anymore. She was a daughter fearing to lose her mother.

She wasn't trying to be strong anymore. The whole ride she tried to stop her tears but now she failed miserably. Her eyes were filled with tears causing the mascara in her eyes to smudge. My heart ached to see her like this. Unknowingly a tear escaped my eyes too. I heard heavy breaths. She was shaking. That's when I realised she wasn't just crying. She was having a panic attack. I know it because I've been having them ever since my mom died. This isn't the time to talk about my life. This is about her. I can't let her hurt like this. Without giving it a second thought I knelt on the ground pulling her into my arms. She hugged me back crying even louder.

Harshita: This can't be happening. She's the only one I have. I lost my father years ago. I can't lose her too. She's everything to me. Darshan what am I gonna do without her? This isn't true. It can't be. This has to be a nightmare. Wake up Harshita. Wake up. It's just a bad dream. Everything will be fine when you wake up. She'll be in the kitchen cooking your favourite meal. She'll smile seeing you awake. You just have to wake up. Open your eyes.
Her words were stabbing me. I remember thinking this was a nightmare when I lost my mother. I hit myself doing everything I could trying to prove myself right. But nothing worked.

I patted her back gently.

Darshan: Harshita it'll be okay. She'll be okay. The doctor told me once the surgery is over she'll be completely fine. She will cook your favourite food for you. She will smile seeing you. She will be right here with you.
I lied. The doctor told me the it was almost impossible to save her. The operation will most likely fail. But I can't hurt her more. I'll do anything to comfort her. Even if I have to lie.

Harshita: Are you saying this just to make me feel better?

Darshan: No Hershey. I'm not. She will be okay. I really mean it.
She broke the hug.

Harshita: Darshan. Why are you doing this?
She said looking into my eyes. Trying to find an answer.

Darshan: Doing what?
I acted clueless.

Harshita: Comforting me like we're friends. Aren't we supposed to be enemies.

Darshan: Because I'm a human. And that's what a person with humanity does. They help others.
She laughed at me.

Darshan: About being enemies, I thought someone already ended it. And the friends part, well I do consider yoh my friend. Don't you?

Harshita: I've never had a friend like you. You're the bestest friend I ever had.

Darshan: Wait a second. I'm confused. Am I your best friend? Or am I THE bestest "friend"  you've ever had?

Harshita: Both.
She said smiling. This time she pulled me into a hug and I happily hugged back.

Harshita: Darshan.
She whispered.

Darshan: Hmm.
I replied caressing her hair.

Harshita: Thank you.
She said looking at me with teary eyes. Our body still touching.

Darshan: For what?

Harshita: Everything. For saving my Mom. For listening to me. For taking care of me. For being my friend. I don't know how I'll ever thank you enough.

Darshan: You don't have to thank me. Didn't you say I'm your best friend? As your best friend it is my duty to take care of you, listen to you, be with you at your worst times. Why would you ever feel the need to thank me for that?

Harshita: But-

Darshan: You don't need to thank me for what I did for aunty either. I didn't do it for you. I did it for myself. I've lost my mother. I've felt your pain. I've been there too. I don't want anyone to go through the same pain I went through. At least not the ones I genuinely care about. I couldn't save my mother. Please consider this a second chance for me to finally do what I failed to do back then.
She looked at me with teary eyes. This time when I looked in her eyes what I saw wasn't just pain. It was sympathy.

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