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Harshita's pov:

I packed my backpack after getting ready for college. Before leaving the house, I stood in front of the photo of "Arav Pandya" my father which now had a garland hung on it. I stared at the photo while thinking about my childhood. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that time when I had everything a perfect family, peace, happiness. A year escaped my eyes. I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and hug my mom not bothering to wipe my tears. She caressed my hair. Neither of us spoke a word. After crying for a while I broke the hug. She wiped my tears.

H/M: It had been 13 years now. I still remember the day he left us. Exactly 13 years ago. He was coming back from his medical camp. We were so proud of him knowing he was curing kids like you that didn't recieve the same care that a normal 5 year old kid usually gets. Little did we know he'd meet a plane crash on his way back. Your father was a warrior Harshita, I've seen him sacrificed everything for the sake of his patients. He would always tell me about how happy he felt when he saw the family's smile when the patient survived. He was a pediatrician. He loved kids. Yet he left you alone when you were 5. I know how much you love him. You want to be a doctor to live up to your dad. I know how much he means to you and I know how much he loved you too. If he could see his daughter turning into an adult who now goes to medical school he'd be the happiest and the proudest father alive. But do you know what he wouldn't like? Seeing his little princess cry over his death. He's here. With you. He always was and always will be. Don't ever think you lost him. He's looking at you from heaven. So wipe those tears my little champ. I know you're strong. I know nothing can hold you back. Show the world what you can do. Live the dreams your father wanted to achieve. I love you. We love you.
I gave her a soft smile and left after giving her another smile. She is a single mother. She raised me all by herself ever since my dad passed away. She's the strongest woman I know. She thinks I'm strong like my parents but I wish I could tell her about all my weaknesses. I can't. She can't know that I'm hurting. I can't let her break again. Losing her husband was already painful for her. I saw all the pain she went through. I can't hurt her more.

Darshan's pov:

Finally my first class is over and I can have a break from the never ending lectures. I swear one day my ears will literally bleed cause of these stupid lecturers. I sat in the cafeteria drinking coffee. I wish I could just sleep in my comfy bed instead. I was lost daydreaming about my own bed when I saw Ms. blabbermouth coming my way and due to my bad luck all the seats were taken except the one opposite to mine.

Harshita: May I?
She said holding the chair opposite to mine.

Darshan: As long as you keep your mouth shut you may.
She sat quietly. We both ate in silence until she broke it as expected. But what I didn't expect were the words coming from her mouth.

Harshita: I... I'm sorry about that day. I shouldn't have behaved like that. I really don't know what got into me. I.. I'm sorry. I really am.

Darshan: Wow. Didn't expect them. So.. What do you want?

Harshita: Sorry?

Darshan: I meant what do you want from me? From our previous encounters I've learnt that Ms. Pandya will only talk to me when she needs somthing. So tell me. What do you want?

Harshita: I really don't want anything. I just wanted to apologise. I shouldn't have been rude to you. I should've thought twice before interfering in your family matters. I don't know how to fix those things. I wish I could just take my words back.

Darshan: It's okay. I know it's hard for someone with a perfect family like yours to understand what's going on in another family. Not everyone has a great life. A great family like yours. I'm sure you have parents who support you. Who understands you. Unlike some unlucky people like me.

Harshita's pov:

Did he really say those words? I wish he didn't. I wish I could answer. I wish I could tell him that I don't have a perfect life either. I only have my mother and even she is busy. Busy working all day long to provide me with a life that she wants her daughter to lives. But in the midst of all this, we became distant. I spent my entire childhood alone. In my own room. Craving for love. I envied people with loving parents. I was too young to know that in life everyone had their own journey. Their own struggle. Just cause someone's life was different from mine it didn't mean that theirs were better. I wish I could tell him all this. I wish he would've known that he's not the only one but I couldn't. I stayed quiet. I looked down and decide to not say anything for now.

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