8. A Date?

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Harshita's pov:

Wtf? How could you do this Harshita? Six months . You had SIX MONTHS to prepare for this exam and yet you messed up. Where the hell was your mind?

Don't even use your poor mother as an excuse. What are you gonna tell her now?

"Sorry mom I messed up on my semester finals because of YOU" oh that's what you're gonna say? Really? That's what you've turned into?

Where is the girl who once used to ace all her exams without even trying? Where is she? I can't see her. Can you?

Ofcourse you can't how would you? You killed her.

Do you have any idea how mom will feel when she finds out about this?

You know what? You deserve all this. You fvcking deserve this pain.

Darshan's pov:

She's sitting on the bench. Alone. Is she okay? Definitely not. I tap on her shoulder from the back. She turns toward me with an angry expression. This was a bad idea. A really bad one.

Darshan: You good buddy?


Darshan: umm...

Harshita: You know what? You're right. I'm good. In fact, I'm great. I'm the best I've ever been. What could possibly bother me? It's not like my mom is dying. Or that I'm failing my exams. Right?

Darshan: Harshey it's okay. It was just one exam.

Harshita: Mr. Raval it might be just one exam to you but for me it's much more important. Why can't anyone freaking understand my feelings. I hate this.
She started tearing up. Okay. This is getting out of hand.

Harshita: I'm sorry. It's just that there's so much happening at the same time and I can't take it at all. You know what? Every time I made any mistake my mom would take us out on a date. We would go to the movies, have ice cream, talk about it. She would tell me it's okay and show me how to do better. She always guided me through all the difficulties and now I don't know how to face it all on my own. I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you.
She started tearing up. I pulled her into a tight hug.
Her voice almost came out as a whisper.

Darshan: It's okay. If yelling makes you feel better you can yell at me as much as you want. You should never feel bad about showing your feelings. You don't have to hide your feelings. Not from me.

Harshita: Thank you so much for understanding me. I don't know how I'll ever repay you.
She said breaking the hug.

Darshan: Oh but I do. Just smile and I'll be the happiest person ever.
She smiled. The smile that can light up my whole world within a second. Watching your loved ones smile is indeed one of the best feelings ever. It's like you'd do anything just for that stupid smile.

Darshan: Now don't waste my time. Let's go home and get ready.

Harshita: for what?
She said being confused.

Darshan: a date. I don't care what you say. To me a date is spending time with your loved ones wheter it's your friends, family or life partner. So let's go. We're going to watch a movie. Have ice cream and Talk. A lot.
Her eyes shined once again. This time out of happiness.

*time skip*

Darshan: No Harshey. There's no way we are watching a horror movie.

Harshita: Come on. It's just a movie. It's not like ghosts exist in real life.

Darshan: I don't care what you say. We are NOT watching a scary movie. Why would you buy tickets with your own money just to be horrified?

Harshita: Because it's fun!

Darshan: You think watching your friend get a heart attack is fun?

Harshita: You're such a drama queen. We are watching a horror movie and it's final. This is about me so I'm the one who decides.

Darshan: Fine.

**time skip**

We  came out of the movie theater with ice cream in our hand.

Harshita: This was so fun.

Darshan: Can't relate.

Harshita: We should watch movies together often. You know what? What about we have a movie night every weekend?

Darshan: Mam. There's absolutely no way I'm going to willingly let some movie characters scare the crap out me for your so called "fun".
She rolled her eyes at me.

Harshita: It's not like your opinion matters anyways.
She said with an attitude. I started laughing at her out of nowhere.

Harshita: What? Are you losing your last two brain cells too?

Darshan: You have ice cream on your face.

Harshita: Where?
I pointed towards her nose. She tried to wipe away the non existent ice cream off her nose.

Harshita: Is it gone?

Darshan: No. let me try.
I stared moving closer to her. My hands reached her face and before you know it I smashed my ice cream on her face.

I started laughing hard holding my stomach.

Harshita: What the heck Raval!
She yelled getting pissed. I started laughing even harder pissing her off even more and guess what? My deeds had terrible consequences. Within seconds my whole face was covered in ice cream. I stare at her with a wide mouth. I heard some people laughing and when I looked around I found a group of kids laughing at us.

Darshan: Kya hain? Have you never seen a hot guy like me or what?

Kid: Hot aur aap? Bhaiya  you are more of a kid than all of us combined.
And hearing this Harshita started laughing.

Darshan: Stop laughing and come.
I say being annoyed and dragging her to my car. She kept laughing all the way to the car.

We finally got in the car. I wiped my face with tissue but was distracted by her laughter.

Darshan: What's so funny?

Harshita: The fact that you got mad at some kids because they called you kids. You just proved their point valid.
That is when realization hit me. Did I just prove to the kids that I'm a kid myself? Without a doubt. Oh god I'm not just a kid I'm a really stupid one.

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