creepin' (chris)

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nospecificgender!reader x chris

"i just wanted to let you know."

nate's voice said through the phone. chris sat slumped in his chair with a small frown on his face.

"are you sure it was them?" he asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.


chris let's out a sigh.

"okay, thanks bro. i'll call you later." chris bids his best friend goodbye before the two end the phone call. chris places his phone on the table and lets out a sigh.

he looks around the dining room with his stomach twisted in knots. he couldn't believe what he was just told.

you, chris' partner of two years, was kissing someone else who wasn't him. and out of all people, his childhood best friend was the one that told him.

chris had expected something was up with you. you were slowly becoming more distant. you changed and basically started being selfish.

but chris didn't blame you, it wasn't like he was a complete saint either.

he was constantly filming youtube videos with his brothers, traveling, having meetings, or something along the lines for his social media career.

he never really had time for you.

he knew that but tried his hardest to stick around for you. you were his day one. his first love. his person.

chris loved you with his whole heart.

which meant that he was most likely going to ignore all the red flags and rumors about you.

your relationship was obviously crumbling down into pieces. you were clearly moving on and chris was too busy for you.

but he loves you, nothing could change that.

so he simply started ignoring the little details about your affairs or what his friends would tell them about you. as long as you kept it hidden and lowkey, he never brought it up.

he kept everything to himself.

his life had been so hectic these last couple of years he knew his heart couldn't take losing you.

you guys ended up going on a date to one of chris' favorite steakhouses. everything seemed to be going pretty well. you kissed him, held his hand, and basically acted like you weren't cheating on him.

he liked that somewhat.

the fact that even though you were seeing other people you didn't change how affectionate you were with him.

you still loved chris.

no matter what you'll always love him.

but a person could only take so much from someone who they barely see anymore. you were so happy that chris was doing something he loved.

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