thru your phone (chris)

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female!reader x chris
angst & fluff at the end

you know you shouldn't. you really shouldn't do it. it's an invasion of privacy and you never in a million years thought you'd have to go to this degree. it just felt so wrong and foreign to you.

but you knew, you fucking knew.

chris wasn't himself anymore. his brothers even started taking notice in his strange behavior. when he was asked about it, his would either ignore them or fought with them.

he thought you didn't notice but of course you did.

besides his brothers, you knew chris the best. probably better than he knew himself. he told anything and everything. whatever came to his mind or what he felt in his mind, you were the main person he would tell.

he was so in love with you. how could he not tell you everything? you were his everything.

so that's what brings you here tonight.

chris is currently taking a shower before bed. you're sitting up against the headboard under the covers of the comfy bed. his phone keeps buzzing on his small dresser that was on his side of the bed.

at first, you tell yourself it's nothing and probably a groupchat. but then someone tried calling him, twice. you knew it couldn't be a coincidence.

you took a deep breath and reached over for his phone with shaky hands. your heart broke a bit when you saw he changed his lock screen.

it used to be a picture of you and trevor, his family dog. he took the picture within the first month of you guys dating and hadn't changed it since. you guys have been together for two years and he just barely changed the picture.

it was now just a picture of the sunset in boston. it shouldn't sting like the way it did, it's just a picture. but you were so used to the other picture he had.

you took a hold of his phone and held it in your hand. you put in his passcode with ease and unlocked his phone. he had gotten a message from a groupchat that you accidentally clicked on.

you wish you didn't.

nate: [image]

nate: we have to go out againnnn

matt: true

matt: i miss carla, she's so much fun

the image was of the boys, including chris, with a girl also in the picture. she clearly wasn't you, her hair color was different from yours and her eyes weren't your eye color. she was sitting between matt and chris but was leaning more into chris.

who was carla?

nate: hey chris, ask carla if she can bring her friend nadia again!! she was cool asf

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