last christmas (nick)

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🐻male!reader x nickangst & fluff

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male!reader x nick
angst & fluff

"and this last gift is for you, nick!" matt passes over the small box that was wrapped in wrapping paper that had little snowmen on it.

nick takes it with a smile.

he opens it, all eyes on him. his brothers, madi, and elmer all sat in the living room of the triplet's apartment. all of them in front of the christmas tree.

they had decided to spend christmas morning all together. it was their second christmas together as a group. they wore christmas pajama pants and matching hoodies.

nick now holds a brown wooden box with his initial carved into it. he opens it with no hesitation.

a pandora bracelet with his birth stone.

"aw, it's so cute. i love it. did you get this for me, madi?" he looked over at his best friend. she tends to get nick a lot of jewelry so it wouldn't shock him if she had bought it for him.

there was no name on the wrapping paper to say who it was from. it only had his name on it. so he just assumed.

"no... i thought elmer got it for you?" madi looks over at elmer who almost shakes his head immediately.

"nah, we found it at the door by itself when we came back from target yesterday. we just assumed madi forgot it outside or something." elmer points between him, matt, and chris.

the boys nodding along with elmer's assumption. nick raises a brow in confusion as he examines the gift.

"it looks pretty pricey, it's fucking pandora. i wonder who got it for me." nick holds the bracelet in his hand.

"didn't you want that last year but didn't end up getting it? maybe you got a secret admirer or something." chris said out loud. matt smacked his arm right after that.


madi and nick look at each other with suspicious.

"huh?" nick spoke.

"what?" matt played dumb.

"what does chris mean by that? i didn't tell him what i wanted last year i only told..." nick's words trace off when he realizes.

nick only told you.

nick doesn't like when his brothers get him anything too expensive because he believes that he's the last person they should be spending a lot of money on.

he didn't want you to get him anything either because he said your love was just enough for him. but you didn't believe that bullshit so you eventually got him to tell you what he really wanted.

you didn't end up getting for him last year because well... last christmas took a turn of events.

"you don't understand, nick. my family isn't like yours. they won't understand!" you argued with him, trying to get your point across.

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