your power (matt)

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female!reader x matt
angst (a lot of it)

matt is tanning with his brother, chris, outside near the pool on a towel that was spread out on the pavement. nick was inside getting making lunch for the three of them.

he's wearing a pair of black and purple swim trunks. chris was wearing white and purple stripped ones. nick wore a grey cut off shirtand baby pink swim trucks.

kid cudi is playing through his airpods that are placed in his ears as his back is facing the beaming sun. his eyes feel heavy as he just lays there taking in the sun and listening to his favorite artist.

it's a peaceful day for the sturniolos, a perfect day too for them since it was a rest day which was something they needed from filming and meetings that had occurred within the past week.

his snaps out of his tired daze when his notifications start blowing up on his phone that was next to his head. he lifts his head and groaned as he did so.

he grabs his phone and turns it on by pressing the power button on the side of it. he squints slightly and tries to adjust his screen light so he can read the notifications.


every single notification he was receiving was from twitter which was an app he had a love/hate relationship with.

he sighs when he unlocks his phone using the face ID and swiping his screen up so he could have full access to his phone.

he presses the twitter icon and it immediately opens at his touch. he goes to his feed and sees that he's got notifications coming left and right.

he's watching the numbers go up one by one.

he's confused in why since he didn't recall in posting anything, having post notifications on for anyone, or doing anything that would get him into trouble.

he presses the notification button and he scans his notifications. he's confused by the amount of people tagging him in a specific thing.

he's used to being tagged in things but not all at once and especially not with this many people.

chris too is looking at his own phone since his twitter was blowing up too with notifications from fans.

chris was quick to find the reason behind all of it, his stomach drops when he finds out. he automatically thinks of matt reaction since it involves his triplet brother.

chris looks over at matt and was about to stop his brother from scrolling even more but he was too late.

he sees matt go pale and his face unreadable. his mouthed parted to say something but no words came out.

he gulps slowly before looking over at chris who was already looking at him with sympathy.

matt doesn't say anything to chris. he instead shook his head before getting on his knees and standing up completely. he grabs his towel and has his phone in his hand before he walks up the steps and back into their house.

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