i'll wait for you (nick)

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🐻male!reader x nick fluff & my humor

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male!reader x nick
fluff & my humor

nick was the most impatient person ever.

his brothers, friends, and basically anyone who knew him could easily say the kid wasn't the best at holding any kind of patience.

so when it came to finally asking him to be your boyfriend, it was really difficult.

not that you didn't feel anything for him, but because you knew nick deserved the best kind of treatment. especially if you're going to be his boyfriend and how he has such a huge platform there was so much more you had to do.

you had a lot of people to impress.

nick always told you he liked whatever you did for him but deep down you didn't believe it.

but today, you were going to do things you know nick liked. you were gonna get him all happy and basically create such a beautiful memory for him so later today when you finally ask him to be your man, it would be perfect.

"finally, jesus christ i thought i would be married and have kids by the time you asked him out officially." chris scolds you as he handed you back your phone.

you had asked him to put in the address of the bakery nick always liked. you had only been once but couldn't remember where it was so chris helped you out.

"shut up, chris. y/n, me and chris are both very happy for you and nick. we wish you luck." matt gets after chris from across the kitchen where he stood.

okay yeah, both brothers were helping you out.

and if justin was here, you'd ask him for some help as well.

you just felt like you were running out of time already. you and nick have been seeing each other for almost three months it's only a matter of time before he gets impatient and gets mad at you for not making things official fast enough.

the plan was, go to the bakery to get nick's favorite sweets, pick him up and surprise him with that, go thrifting for a bit, then for "dinner" take him on a surprise picnic on the beach where madi and laura were together right now setting things up for you guys.

you lowkey had to find nick's pinterest and stalk his boards to find his ideal picnic date he had saved from multiple pictures. your heart melted a bit when you saw the board was titled "for me & him <3".

you even got a fucking necklace for nick as way to "promise" him that you're gonna be as loyal and as loving as you possibly can. it was wrapped in cute purple wrapping paper and had a white bow on it.

you had been planning this day out for weeks now and it's finally all happening.

"luck? why would i need luck? d-do you guys think he's gonna reject me or?!" you slightly panic and dramatically placed your hand over your heart.

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