{Ch. 3 - Bedazzled}

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{A/N: Little Kalos boy Alain, yes this is after the XYZ Anime, so spoilers.}

{Alain's POV}

{10:05 pm, Kalosian Time}

It was already night, the lights are off in my home, Marin and Chespie were already sleeping in their separate room, and I'm the only one awake, silently waiting for that someone to reply to my message.

"What if she doesn't reply though? She probably has a lot of fans who like her too, why bother to reply to mine? Who knows, maybe she's blocked me."

Silence filled my room, along with the blue light from my phone. I'm not used to love, let alone the people I fall in love with. They drift away so fast, too fast, like how I can't save some people, they either wouldn't accept it and stay in their own twisted beliefs or they leave me, of all trainers, to rot and watch the world burn.

If I knew more, I shouldn't have trusted Team Flare, I shouldn't have been with Lysandre, he made me a fool, but why..? Why must I have this pain, this aching feeling in my heart? He stripped my love off, how will I regain it then? The wounds aren't enough, it's not like anyone cares about me, they don't understand my true feelings about that evil team. I won't ever-

Something snapped me out of my thoughts; a notification.



BlastBurn: hey, are u that idol in hoenn?

DazzleDizzy: Mhm! Why you ask? And so sorry for the late reply!!

BlastBurn: yeah, cause i saw you on a poster in kalos

DazzleDizzy: Oh! I didn't know that, how about an introduction, since I want to get to know you more!!

BlastBurn: alright, i will go first

BlastBurn: wait do we send a voice message or something

DazzleDizzy: I mean, if you're more comfy with calling me, it's alright!

BlastBurn: mhm ok ill just call you.


And in an instant, my phone rang, goodness she's quick with this. I joined in on a call, plugging my earphones in.

"Hi!" Her voice was ecstatic, something I should've known before setting the volume too high. But on the contrary, I now know what she's like when meeting new people; the opposite of me.

"Hey there.. I'm Alain. What's your name?"

"I'm Lisia, really nice to meet a fan of my performances!"

"Uh.. yeah.. performances.. How are you right now?"

"I'm doing alright! It's around afternoon here in the Hoenn region, where I live! How about you?"

"I'm fine.. it's evening here in Kalos. I just feel like I need someone to talk to."

"Alright, you can talk to me about anything! I have lots of free time today."

"Uhm.. Lisia, I don't feel well saying it out loud to you, mind if I-"

"You're not okay with sharing it?"

I blinked for a moment, not expecting the sudden response. "...yes."

"Oh, okay! You can just type it." She still had that cheeriness in her voice.

I wasn't expecting her to be this... bundle of excitement and energy, even this warmth kind of feeling in me. Lisia's so kind, even if she knows I live on the other side of the world, she allows me to open up about what I've experienced.

"So, while you're doing it Alain, what do you do for a living?" She asked.

"Oh, um.. I used to research about Mega Evolution. I still do it, but not that often since... let's just say the person I worked for was mean." That was the best explanation I could think of, hiding the truth of what really happened.

"They were mean? How come?"

I stayed silent for a bit, after a bit of typing, I managed to send it. She saw it, and the reaction is what I didn't think much of, a surprising amount of disbelief and doubt from this girl.

"So, what you're saying is, you were in Team Flare, this thing in Kalos with mega stones, helping the world and all that sorts?"

"Yup, the way he- I mean, they treated us, not like friends, kind of like that."

"They sound so rude to you, I think it was a great choice you left it."

Lisia.. agreed. Wow, I thought she'd be clueless about it, maybe she's more than that.

"mhm... so.. how about your career? If you want to call it a career, must've been pretty neat being able to be.. popular, and such." A simple question that broadens people's personality, wouldn't hurt to know an idol's inside scoop.

"Yeah it is! It's so refreshing meeting fans whenever I go outside! Sometimes, I really wished that everyone else is happy with their lives, and I want to bring a smile on their face."

"Honestly... I agree. There's so many people with their own dreams and ambitions, fighting for their own future.." I felt tired, yawning for a moment.

She simply let out a soft laugh. "Should I continue? You seem a little sleepy."

I shook my head, doubting. "No no, i-it's alright if we continue.."

Before I knew it, I was slowly drifting to sleep, in the comfort of her voice.

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