{Ch. 4 - So-Called Bonding}

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{A/N: The alternative title: Men are fighting, lesbians aren't present. A little crack chapter on Christmas Eve, merry christmas ya'll.}

{Wallace's POV}

{3:02 pm, Hoennian Time}

A mellow afternoon, perhaps. Nothing much to do except go outside for a swim, but I'm not in a mood for that. Lisia just ended a call with someone, so I decided to talk with her about it.

"Ended the call already?" I peered through from the door, looking at the blue walls, pastel decorations and many Swablu and Altaria related things scattered around her bed and table.

"Yup, seems like he fell asleep though..." She giggled for a bit.

"Just asking, but who were you calling?"

"Uhm, someone named Alain." 

Oh, so now I know who was his secret crush then, guess the Delcatty was dragged in, a surprise too early. 

"I actually know him, on a more personal level, if you'd say." I glanced at my niece, as she looked confused.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well... we have a groupchat, and I have to check if anyone has announced some... rather interesting things, like events, or just some argument."

"Okay!" She exclaimed, and I left her room.


The Golden Group Chat

LancesALot: There's like, two Charizard users here

MonarchLeon: Yeah one of em's Alain, which he uses mega evolution, then me, which I use dynamax!

LancesALot: Yeah but, would people tell the difference?

MonarchLeon: haven't considered about that, mate ;)

MikuriSea is now online.

MikuriSea: Did I miss anything? I just found out who +BlastBurn's little crush was. 

LancesALot: Nope, not much again, just went online today.

LancesALot replied to MikuriSea: And mind telling us who?

MikuriSea: Rather not, my lips are sealed.

MonarchLeon: Aw, thought we'd get a crumb of info

StonesOfficial is now online.

StonesOfficial: Good afternoon chat, what did I miss?

LancesALot: nothing much, thought we were about to uncover some cool secret though

StonesOfficial: Ooh, from who?

LancesALot: from another charizard user

StonesOfficial: From Alain? Well, he does have a lot going around him, with all the mega evolution research and his travels too.

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