{Ch. 12 - Mirrors}

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{A/N: Here comes the not so often updates.. I promise I'm working on it ;-;}

{Cynthia's POV}

Another day of research about the ruins and Sinnoh.. My desk is filled with books of the histories of different regions, mostly about Kalos and Paldea.

Paldea is a new region with this mysterious crater called 'Area Zero.' They say the Tera crystals come there, and those same Tera Crystals are a special thing to them, like Mega Stones or Z-Moves. I should invite Steven to go there sometime, bet he would jump in head first without any safety gear or warning.

And for Kalos....

It wasn't about the history.

Not about Mega Stones, not about the Great War, for Distortion World's sake, not even about that villainous Team Flare.

Instead, I picked up a book from the library about.. different actors and actresses during Kalos times.

It sits there, at the bottom of the pile of my history books, with black leather cover peering out like a sore thumb. It was really out of place. To the point where it really started to tick me off.

So, I decided to clear out the books on top of it, return it to the shelves near the table.

And, for the fun of it, join an empty chat room with the book in hand.

Doubt that anyone would come in to listen to my thoughts out loud.



{Diantha's POV}

There wasn't much to do since it was my day off. Sure, I had the chance to battle one of my fans, and defeated them with ease, but that was all that happened.

After going back home and clearing a few things, I notice something in the group chat.

"Cynthia's in a call.. alone?"

Well, this is unusual.

"Well.. maybe someone left to get something. I'll join to keep her company."


I joined in the call, and it seemed she was reading a book.

"This.. has a lot of information.. the amount of jewelry and wealth.. hm.."

Another history book? From what region is this? I don't remember her being specific on the wealth of the regions. I thought she was more focused onto mythology and legends. Perhaps its something that is relevant to the history later down the line?

"Many actors and actresses in Kalos dawned delicate shawls and the richest of fans that adore them. The way they look awe-inspiring in their films and series, this case is still the same in the current era, with our champion, Diantha."

is this.. about me? 

I may not know what she's reading but.. it might be about me.

"Didn't know you think of me that way, Cynthia."

"Diantha?! I- how long were you here?" Her voice filled with shock.

I chuckle. "Long enough, I guess. What kind of history book is that?"

"Well.. it wasn't about the history about Kalos entirely.. just it's actors."

"Huh.. I didn't know you were obsessed with them." I smirk.

"I'm not obsessed in the way you think."

We both laughed it off.

"For a moment, I thought you were reading history.. but I found this other side of you. One that.. made me change how I viewed you for a bit. Maybe you do like knowing more about the history of the regions.. if you know what I mean, mon soleil."

"Well.. I'll be going now, it's almost dinner time here in Sinnoh."

"Alright, au revoir then!"

LegendsShirona left the call.

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