{Ch. 5 - Truth or Dare}

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{A/N: One of my online friends told me that a chaotic chat always has this funny thing, and also because its a fun idea. Now onto the chapter!}

{9:00 am, Sinnohan Time.}

LegendsShirona is now online.

LegendsShirona: +everyone, I just woke up but, truth or dare?

StonesOfficial replied to LegendsShirona: Dare.

MonarchLeon: Oooooooh mate this is gunna be interestin'

LegendsShirona: Steven I dare you to kiss one of your rocks

StonesOfficial: Cynthia, hop in the call.

MonarchLeon: Ey I wanna join in too!

StonesOfficial: Sure, suit yourself Leon.


Well, I gave him a dare, he better be sending me a picture of him kissing a damned rock. As he joins the call, he turns on his camera, showing a surprising shelf or two filled with colorful stones. 

"So! Which one do I kiss?" He shows up on the camera.

"What? I don't know, go kiss any rock there."

"Which rock? There's obsidian, emeralds, amethyst-"

"Amethyst." I said.

"Which one? The geode, the heart shaped, the facet-"

"JUST. PICK. ANY. FOR THE LOVE OF ARCEUS." I cut him off, shouting into my phone's microphone. Why on earth does he have to be specific on these?

"Alright I will, geez!" He raises his hands up, and scrounges for what I think was the facet cut amethyst. Once he pulled it out from some corner of that fancy white shelf, it wasn't a clear purple glimmer, more of some specs of dust around the little corners.

"Hold on, let me screenshot this one." Leon joined the call, with the perfect timing. 

Steven kept shifting his gaze from the camera to the dull purple rock he was holding in his hand, acting a bit hesitant. Eventually, he just went for the smooch, dropped the rock, shut his camera and left the call, all in a single quick moment. Leon and I laughed hard.


MonarchLeon sent a photo.

It was the exact frame on when Steven's lips touched the amethyst. Perfection right here.

StonesOfficial: I hate you.


StonesOfficial: It's a faceted gem, Leon. Anyways, my turn now, Cynthia. +LegendsShirona , truth or dare.

LegendsShirona: Well, truth.

StonesOfficial: Who was considered a challenge to you?


StonesOfficial: Of course I'm not holding back, she made me kiss one of my prized possessions! 

LegendsShirona replied to StonesOfficial: Leon's quite the challenge, If I may so. Gigantamaxing your ace pokemon and hitting them with G-Max Wildfire afterward is quite the final blow.

MonarchLeon replied to LegendsShirona: Why thank you.

LegendsShirona: Leon, truth or dare.

MonarchLeon: Dare!

LegendsShirona: Hmm.. I dare you to show an embarrassing picture.

StonesOfficial: She's singlehandedly exposing everyone in this, huh?

MonarchLeon sent a photo.

From a first glance, it's a photo of a younger him, with shorter purple hair, and a happy little smile on his face.

LegendsShirona: Aww you were so cute!

MonarchLeon: This one doesn't feel that embarrasin', but since the others are worse thats the only crumb you folks will get.

StonesOfficial: How about we raise the stakes a little bit more? Cynthia, if you don't mind having your turn again, truth or dare?

LegendsShirona: Hm, truth.

StonesOfficial: Do you have a crush on anyone here?

MonarchLeon: I mean, you must have! Either one of your fans, some skilled trainer from afar, or Arceus above, even someone here!

LegendsShirona replied to StonesOfficial: Yes, lets just say its a goddess.

StonesOfficial: That's all you have to say?

MonarchLeon: lmao Steven truth or dare

StonesOfficial: Well, truth.

MonarchLeon: Do you ALSO have a crush on someone? Just askin the same one as the sinnoh champion

LegendsShirona: OOH, okay thats a tough one. Steven's always so mysterious when it comes to this.

StonesOfficial reacted with: question mark emoji.

MonarchLeon: STEVEN i swear if youre gonna write another essay

StonesOfficial is typing...

LegendsShirona replied to MonarchLeon: He just did.

StonesOfficial: Fine... Its someone from Hoenn. We've already talked for a while, they've helped me a few times and maybe even stopped me too whenever I collected rocks. Again, I'll stay silent and won't answer further questions.

StonesOfficial is now offline.

LegendsShirona: I have a few guesses, but I gotta go now.

LegendsShirona is now offline.

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