{Ch. 11 - Meetup}

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{Alain's POV.}

Here I am.. Mossdeep City Airport, just by myself. I suddenly have the feeling to use Charizard to fly back to Kalos, but I came here to meet with Lisia, and to give her that handmade pokemon plush I've been working so hard on. 

"Alain, you came here to give a gift to a girl, and I don't think you can back away from this opportunity... Agh! Why am I talking to myself? Come on, get a hold on yourself, just do it, oh my Arceus!" I mutter out in frustration, walking around in a small circle.

Either way, I walked my way out of the airport, noticing a familiar spiky redhead in the crowd. I ran to them, thinking if it is the person who I thought it was.

"Excuse me.. Lance?" 

They didn't turn. They sat down on the chairs nearby. Are they waiting for someone else? "Maybe I should get a page out of his book; analyzing people."

I sat down from the seat across 'them', placing my luggage down and letting Charizard out of his pokeball for a bit. 

The guy has the similar hairstyle, somehow muscular-ish build, what looks like an outfit that men wear in the summer, also known as the typical not long sleeved jacket with a dark shirt underneath, black sunglasses that won't let me see his eye color, which sucks.

I simply walked there and sat next to them, Charizard was nice enough to bring the bag for me,  as with my suspicions growing.

"So... you ever been to the Hoenn region before?" I tried to start a conversation, but no, they didn't speak.

"...uh.. I've never been to this region, just saying." I replied to my own question, since this man is mute.

Should I say something else about me? Maybe I was wrong, maybe it is some guy I've never met. I'm unlike other trainers who get fooled by disguises.

"I should.. maybe go now.. give a gift to my beloved.. " I get up, return Charizard to his pokeball, and run out of the airport. At least that guy isn't someone I know.



DazzleDizzy: Hi hi Alain, where are you? Have you arrived in Mossdeep City yet?

BlastBurn: hey, im out of the airport now. 

DazzleDizzy: Ooh, okay! Just wait for a shiny black car, I'll be there!


"A shiny black car? Hmm.. Well that's oddly specific.."

Well, all I have to do is stand here until that vehicle arrive.

But, I can't help but feel I'm being watched by someone.. 

I shrug off that feeling and I wait a bit.

And a bit more.

And more.

"Why is this so boring?.."

Then I hear a car beeping.

That very same car she described pulled up right in front of me, with her swinging the car door, dressed up in a flowing light blue dress with long sleeves.

"Hi Alain!" She ran and hugged me.

"Uh.. hi Lisia.. you're um.. hugging me too tight.." 

"Oh! I didn't notice, I'm so sorry!" She immediately stopped and backed away. "So! How's the trip here, was it fun?"

"Yeah it is, no jet lag here." 

"Well, do you wanna go to my place to stay? I mean, the trip must've been long and busy, y'know?"

"Um... sure? But, I thought there'd be this sort of crowd or some form of paparazzi chasing you through the entire airport.."

She giggled. "Me? With a crowd of adoring fans? Yeah, I do have some, but it's only a small crowd. It's not that big compared to someone like say.. mister Steven Stone or, maybe even miss Cynthia!"

"Wow.. you say their names with a whole lot of respect.. I don't really say Mr. or Miss to them, considering I talk to them on almost a daily basis."

"Wait! You talk to them?!" She acts surprised.

"Um.. yes? We have this.. group chat that one of the other members made. He said it's for league winners and champions. I can talk about it more on the way to your house."

"Oh, okay! Uncle Wall should be here about now.."

'She calls Wallace her uncle.. even in public..'

And here we are, at the airport, waiting outside, and it rains.


Now it's even worse.

"What do I do?!" 

She pulled me out, right back to the side of the airport with the glass roof, shielding us from any more rain. And I noticed, we were far too close.


{Lance's POV.}

I just exited the building, unaware of what's happening. I simply see people going on their ride pokemon, others walking out of the airport, and then I see him, Alain.

Ring ring...

"Hello Lance? Is Lisia there?"

"Yes, with Alain. Just the two of them, on the side, seemingly communicating, and he has the plush on hold. He hasn't acted yet."

"You're just spilling all the details to me."

"Well you're making this sound like some spies talking to each other about.. kidnapping them?"

"Hmph, touche. Well, I'm simply making sure she's alright. I don't want her to pick some guy that'll treat her wrong, it's a thing I experienced too and.. I'd rather not think of it."

"Pfft, alright Wallace."

I hang the call up.


{Alain's POV.}

"Hey, Lisia.. I made something for you. I was originally going to give it to you once we get to your house but.. Since your uncle isn't here yet, why not give it now?"

She turned her head, in what I thought was a loving curious way. "What is it, Alain?"

I just gave it to her, looking away. "Here, a plush I made. It's a Swablu."

She accepted the gift, looking at it, in awe.

A few uneven stitch marks, pale blue fabric, soft fluff on the wings, and one of the button eyes being a yellow thread instead of gray.

"Do you.. not like it? I mean, it's my first time, so-"

"You did your best." She gave a soft smile. "I love it, actually. I don't really get gifts like these from fans."


"Well.. your welcome." I smile.

A car beeping stopped, and Lisia turned there. "Uncle Wall, you're here!"

He looks at me, smirking in some odd way without context.

"So, how did the flight go?" He asks.

"It's.. alright." I reply before entering the car after her, and putting on my seatbelt.

'Well.. atleast I know she likes it.'

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