Chapter 1 - Change in Atmosphere

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Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...

"I'm heading off Elias, you staying longer?" Came a voice from across the library room.

That was the student body president, Alice. Second place in most of her classes, popular, comes from a wealthy background much like yours truly and the one that just had to ruin my rhythm for a great long night of studying.

"What was that?" Alice said.

Bah, I said all that out loud again, "Leave the keys" I called out.

"Alright, suit yourself then," she left the keys on the librarian's desk as she made off, thank goodness she's gone.

Tick, tick, tick...

That broken clock is more noticeable in the evening as the quietness of the library is deafening, no other students or teachers around except for me. I kept spinning my pen around my fingers as if waiting for something to happen, even though I'd already finished my note-taking for the day.

Tick, tick, tick...

Time's a funny thing, isn't it?

It can be an instrument that people waste haphazardly, the most important concept someone can hold dear, or it can be the root of all destruction that could cause the downfall of everything.

I like to use it to my advantage, spending my free time working hard so I can succeed and live lavishly later on in life. Unlike most of my peers who muck around, partying and getting into relationships that will inevitably fall apart after some dumb argument.

I know that working hard and not having fun once in a while has its downsides such as the loss of friendships, stress and over-exhaustion, but when it all pays off in the end they'll all be working lower-class jobs while I'll be living my best life at the top.

Tick, tick, tick...

"When will they get that thing fixed" I muttered irately to myself.

A sudden dull pain ran through my head and my free hand instinctively reached up to cradle it, a common occurrence I've been having so nothing I'm not used to.

Upon closing my eyes, I heard the instinctive chatter of many people, as if I was outside, "Ugh, my head." I looked up but obviously I was still sitting in the stillness of the library.

Somehow I've sat studying for hours with that irritable clock in the background. I'm surprised I hadn't gone crazy much earlier. I've been staying at my university library later and later these days as my final exams are coming up soon, but I guess I should be taking a break.

I sighed, "Guess I should head off, it's getting rather late."

Packing up my papers and pens, I started to leave, along with my small waist-side bag, dark coat and scarf. making sure to grab the keys to lock up after I left since the cleaners had already left earlier too.

Passing through the hall towards the door, a wall of trophies and awards cast a wave of hope in me as many of the names on that wall spelled out my name; 'Top in History, Elias Ashborn', 'Top in Political sciences, Elias Ashborn', 'Top in English, Elias Ashborn.' I'm glad to have been a successful student my whole life, so my test tomorrow should be a sweep. I've got nothing to worry about.

The evening winter chill hit my face as I passed through the campus doors, turning my nose and ear tips pink and my breath creating smoke clouds in front of me with each exhale.

"I think I'll spoil myself for once and get some takeout."

Along with some good food, taking a detour home would do me well. After all, I think I deserve a break from studying and a change of scenery would do me good anyway.

I walked down the barren street, taking in the atmosphere of the neighbourhood. Noticing the freshly cut lawns and the dimly lit rooms behind each curtain coming from the houses and apartments contrary to where I was staying. I was in a much nicer apartment to myself.

Finding myself further up the street there came a quaint building I hadn't seen before, that didn't seem to match the buildings in the area around. A maroon-coloured shop with glowing windows, tinted by the lights inside. It's rather strange that any shops would still be open this late into the evening, except for the odd 24/7 fast food joint.

Well, there's no harm in checking it out, it's still open and just browsing can be fun.

A small chime of a bell rang as I entered and the chill of the outside subsided compelling me to take off my heavy coat. Walking in further, the room indicated to be rustic and worn, with dusty maroon curtains and slightly chipped wood on the stained walls. The shop also gave off a glowing aura from the lamps on the walls, along with the openness of the room.

I lightly browsed through the selection of watches in the glass cabinet at the back of the store, all very intricate and fancy. One watch did catch my eye though, a pocket watch, in the back corner not giving itself much attention. It looked a bit dull but had a very detailed casing that fascinated me.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed broken as both hands were jolting back and forth at rhythmic intervals like the clock back at the library. None of the numbers were printed under the glass case, but it still looked very well made and in good condition otherwise.

"Um, hello?" I called out.

"Just a second" the shopkeeper exclaimed as he came out from a room in the back of the store. The shopkeeper made a shocked face when he saw me, "So sorry to keep you waiting sir, please pardon my impudence."

What in the world was he on about, I just wanted to look at a watch. "Can I take a look at that interesting one? The one at the back?" As I pointed to the pocket watch I glanced back up at the shopkeeper.

"Yes yes, most certainly sir."

The shopkeeper took out the watch and handed it to me, in his grasp it felt solid and had a generous weight to it. The roughness of the back and the unique pattern on the front is distinct and satisfying in my hands, I could already see myself flipping it open from time to time.

"Hmm, how much for it?" I questioned the shopkeeper as I held it up closer to my face.

"W- well it looks a banged up, I could give you a discount sir. How about ten or eleven stoek?"

What a bargain, "I'll take it." It's a bit worn but it should be easy to fix it up. I hesitated, "Wait, how much did you say?"

"Ten stoek." The shopkeeper replied. "Is that a problem sir?"

That's odd, stoek? What the heck is a stoek?

The snugness of the shop suddenly felt much colder. I could feel a heavy chilling sensation running down my spine and into the soles of my feet. Something was off, the atmosphere's changed.

I looked down at my shivering hands, the watch still in my left. What happened to the clothes I was wearing? My scarf was no longer around my neck and neither was my trenchcoat over my arm. It was as if it was always that way since I never noticed that they had even disappeared.

My beige turtle neck sweater I was wearing had also been replaced with a weathered and worn, coffee-coloured suit jacket, pants, waistcoat and white button shirt.

As the watch was still gripped tightly, I turned around to glance out the store's large glass windows, none of the grey apartment buildings I was used to stood outside anymore. Nor was the street illuminated by the lamp posts, but a neatly tiled walkway. Bustling with old and young alike wearing clothing that seemed to look old victorian-esque.

This does not seem like home, this isn't good.


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