Chapter 32 - Informant

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I woke a few hours later as the afternoon rays peeked through my window, glaring into my eyes.

My exhaustion had been washed away completely, as if I had slept a whole day, and I was ready to do some very important research.

I had told Darius I'd be using my time wisely and I was very serious about it. But I wouldn't be studying those books Alexei had told me to. I would have time for that tomorrow at work.

Alexei had given me tons of new information and I had yet to look into the other few things I had found out yesterday as well. If I could find something at the library, it would be good. If not, no harm is done. I would've just narrowed down where not to look.

I quickly got up from the bed, straightening my clothes and running my fingers through my dishevelled hair. With a determined stride, I made my way out of Caius' house, bidding it a temporary farewell.

Stepping onto the bustling streets, I marvelled at the scene before me. The afternoon sun casting a warm glow, painting the city in hues of gold and amber. Managing to hail a passing carriage, I paid the driver a single dir coin to take me near the town's centre by the library which I went straight inside. Away from the golden-coloured streets.

Without hesitation, I made my way directly up to the history section on the second floor. It was there, buried among all the other random books on who knows what that I hoped to find some clues about the churches and their significance. Why were they constantly brought up in moments of importance? Why did they have superiority over The Hunters Den of all places? Were they deeper rooted in the history of Arcanists than I thought?

I scanned the shelves, my eyes darting from one worn spine to another. Most of the books focused on ancient civilizations, folklore, and tales of forgotten empires. There were none on current magic or the true power of arcanists or their history. I figured those were strictly forbidden and illegal to possess.

Undeterred, I delved deeper, searching for anything that might shed light on the churches and their influence. I pulled out an arm full of books on religion and such and made my way over to my spot at the window.

As I settled into the comfortable chair by the window, I began my search for answers. Book after book passed through my hands, their pages worn and yellowed with age. I devoured the information within, hoping to uncover the secrets that lay hidden.

The history books painted a different picture of the churches than I had anticipated. There were not one, but six different churches, each dedicated to a distinct concept or ideology. They held significant sway and were often the cornerstones of power in various kingdoms and regions. It was clear that they were more than mere religious institutions—they wielded influence and authority that extended beyond matters of faith.

Among the few books that named the churches, I found mention of The Church of the Herald of Twilight, The Church of the God of Eternal Balance and Light, and The Church of the God of Arcane Lore. None of which being the church I was familiar with relevant to my new Arcanist position, The Church of the Keeper of Time.

All that was written about them was vague and almost too simple, the churches were created very early on in history at different points in time for followers and believers to worship. All a little too normal for something this mysterious.

But it was the other missing information that piqued my curiosity. Three of the other churches were either torn out, removed or scribbled over, leaving behind unrecognisable remnants. And even within the pages that remained, there were gaps, as if someone had purposefully removed pages. Again.

My fingers traced the missing parts, a frown tugging at my lips. The person or persons that have done this was definitely destroying the records of things relating to the history of arcanists in some way. It's as if they don't want the general public to learn about their own history. Wouldn't it just be passed down through word of mouth anyways? Why go this far to ruin library books?

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