Chapter 28 - Group of Superiors

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Darius paused for a moment as if contemplating the best way to explain the differences to me. He took a deep breath and began, his voice measured and deliberate.

"The Watcher pathway possesses a mental time power," Darius explained. "Theoretically their abilities revolve around perception and manipulation of time in the mind. They can peer into the past, gain insights into possible futures, and even slow down or speed up their own thoughts to enhance their intelligence and decision-making. The Watcher is the observer, the strategist who analyzes the threads of time to gain an advantage."

As Darius described the Watcher's abilities, I found myself nodding in recognition. The mental aspect of time manipulation appealed to me greatly, considering my affinity for knowledge and strategy.

"On the other hand," Darius continued, "the Porter path is a more physical time power. They can manipulate time in relation to their own body, allowing for incredible speed, agility, and reflexes. They can even momentarily step out of the time stream, effectively teleporting short distances. The Porter is the swift and nimble one, excelling in combat and reconnaissance."

I couldn't help but think of Fleur as Darius described the Porter's abilities. Her remarkable speed and agility during our encounter earlier seemed to align perfectly with the description. Perhaps she had already made her choice and embraced the path of the Porter.

Finally, Darius turned his attention to the third option. "And then there's the Keeper pathway , Elias," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of reverence. "The Keeper harnesses spiritual time power. They have a deep connection to the flow of time, able to sense disturbances, mend temporal rifts, and even manipulate the spiritual essence of others. The Keeper is the guardian, the one who ensures the harmony and balance of time."

As Darius spoke about the Keeper, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. The concept of spiritual time power didn't resonate with me as strongly as the mental or physical aspects. It felt intangible, elusive, and beyond my personal interests.

"As you progress to higher tiers you will inevitably have more opportunities to new titles with more abilities, so keep in mind that once you chose a path to take, you can't change and decide you don't like what you picked." Darius looked serious. It was clearly a decision not to be taken lightly.

I nodded, taking in Darius's words and the gravity of the decision before me. The choice of my path as an Arcanist was not one to be made hastily or without careful consideration.

Just as I was about to speak further, Darius raised a hand, indicating that he had more to share. He took another sip of his drink, his expression growing serious once again.

"There is something else you need to be aware of, Elias," Darius said, his voice lowering slightly. "With such power, there are always consequences to look out for. This power isn't something to be taken lightly."

My expression dimmed.

"There are things we have to give up to have these opportunities, this power," Darius said. "Part of our humanity is naturally lost as a cause. We must obey the laws of this power, the law of causality, as either using too much of this power or exceeding the limits of our current abilities can have severe consequences on reality and itself."

I listened intently to Darius's cautionary words, a mix of apprehension and curiosity swirling within me. The weight of responsibility settled and I realized that the power I sought came with sacrifice and potential danger. Though it was expected, it was much more daunting than I had realised.

Darius sighed, in which I noticed his demeanour slip into melancholy. "I can't let another journey down the fallacious path of fate once again."

"I understand," I said, my voice filled with a newfound determination, not wanting to let him down. "I will make sure to exercise caution and responsibility. I will not be taking it lightly."

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