Chapter 7 - Goldeen

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Entering back into the library I was greeted with the familiar atmosphere as before. Many more people were browsing at this time as people were coming and going more frequently. I noted the clock above the librarian's counter in the center of the room, indicating two in the afternoon.

This time, however, I had a specific goal in mind. I was looking for a book on the history of this new world. The interesting man Zhiff from earlier today had said something about more accurate books on the second floor.

As I made my over to the staircase near the counter the librarian greeted me with a warm smile. "Good afternoon sir," she said. "Is there anything I can help you with today?"

"No, I should be ok" I replied. It was the same lady from earlier today who offered me drinks. Hopefully, she doesn't remember me, she probably wondered where I went after bringing me tea earlier when I left.

I made my way up the stairs, ascending to the second floor. The shelves here weren't as high and had a lot fewer books to look at. It wasn't as spacious up here as it overlooked the ground floor from its indoor balcony-like structure that surrounded the outskirts of the building inside.

Upon a short browse, the bookshelves were filled with works on various subjects, from mythology to politics and war. I began to scan the spines, searching for specific books on the history of this place.

After a few minutes of browsing, I finally found a book on Goldeen. The book was large and rather new looking, the cover made of aged leather. The title, "The Kingdom of Goldeen," was embossed on the front in large letters. It was different from the one before as this was on general history rather than magic, and it was much newer too.

"This should be a good start."

I carefully pulled the book from the shelf and walked over to one of the empty desk seats next to the window overlooking the town in front of the library. As I sat down the librarian came up the stairs holding a cup and saucer, and walked over to me. I'm guessing she does remember me.

"Here's your tea from earlier, you left before I got the chance to give it to you." She placed it down in front of me on the desk as steam emanated from the glass.

As she was walking away I compellingly asked, "Excuse me miss, can I get your name?"

"Sorry, we don't give out that information" she replied as she pushed her glasses up on the bridge of her nose and continued down the stairs.

That was a little strange but they probably have their reasons to keep it private. Back in my world workers would usually have name tags, offering their services with their name, but I guess this world is different in that aspect.

I went back to my book and opened it to the first page as I picked up the hot glass of tea to take a sip. The writing was still old and ornate for a rather new book, the ink slightly faded with age. But despite its inward appearance, the book was in good condition.

Excitement filled me as I began to read. Goldeen had always been a global superpower, having all the other countries in their grasp. However, they didn't feel the need to expand their kingdom. Goldeen, the capital city of Ercadium, was currently ruled by the Soren family and had been for generations.

The book went further into the details of the city on its large wealth, the grand status of its people compared to the rest of the world, and its magnetic architecture as well. It sounded rather intimidating just reading about it, although I should be used to that kind of lifestyle. I was part of a very wealthy family back in my old world too.

It also talked about Goldeen's enforcer unit, who are trained at their prestigious schools and could go on to work for very successful people, such as royals, great families and politicians too.

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